
really? I like telegram much more than whatsapp; it has a web app and full featured apps on multiple platforms and the desktop (but unlike whatsapp which requires your phone to be connected), it has extensive support for bots, channels, much better tools for group management (muting, kicking, admin bots). It supports

You can apply this logic to anyone, though. There are plenty of pro-life women who do what they do because they’re genuinely think they’re protecting women from making a mistake that they’ll later regret (or protecting fetuses in general). It’s not like they go home after a pro-life rally and twirl their mustaches.

Imagine carrying this kind of thought process over to other bigots. Like, distinguishing between white nationalists and white supremacists in an article about anti-Black police violence.

That’s some pretty impressive casual racism there, friendo

Seems sincere so I won’t recommend execution.

Nah, fuck terfs. Anti-trans hate is anti-trans hate no matter what mask you put on when you do it.

How is this even remotely relevant? They have the same arguments as every anti-trans bigot. The conservative men that are anti-trans will also claim they are doing it to protect women and children. They have the same motivating politics, which is that they hate trans people.

I apologize for my insensitivity and completely inexcusable lack of thought before posting.

Fuck you.

Hey look, everybody! The ghost of Mickey Rooney comments on the takeout!

leave this website and never come back

1. Buffets are different

something “a little bit more straightforward.”

The “Jamaican guy” isn’t Jamaican. He’s Bahamian. As in, from the Bahamas where the failed event took place, and where hundreds of other Bahamian’s, not Jamaican’s were not paid for their labor. Not all islands in the Caribbean are Jamaica. 🙃

I click on things like this hoping for more insightful content then just “this is terrible and we should stop looking at it” and I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson yet...

James Deen also had Weinstein type of issues but in porn.

Trans men have likely experienced menstruation. 


I want Ayra to kill everyone and then she pulls off her face and she’s Sean Bean.