
You are a remarkably lucky person if the worst “bullying” you’ve ever experienced is that someone on the internet asked not to play a video game.

Transphobes lead to dead trans kids. Highlighting this fact, and calling attention to deadly transphobes, is not bullying, it's a ducking public service, you concern-trolling goober.

Bully” hahahha Trans people literally kill themselves because of harassment and real bullying caused by people like JK Rowling but sure, this is “bullying”

Gamers need to know what their purchase is funding, whether it makes them uncomfortable or not.

You know, yeah, people are dying. We all know that. But this is a REAL thing that, while not close to life-threatening, is making life unhappy and difficult for many.

Every single covid-19 article must be about death rate and abject suffering, never about how it’s impacting other aspects of people’s day to day lives or routines.

Black people can worry about the state of a global pandemic and their hair breaking off at the same time.

And the majority of articles are about the science and the deaths. 

I see that the woman accused is not white, but that doesn’t change the fact that Portland has a long history of hate crimes and pushing minorities out of the city.

Portland is one of the whitest cities in the country and somehow labels itself as “quirky and diverse” but that’s really only for white people.

“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”

I dunno, “rich guy drives truck missing a number of important safety features on public roads, promptly runs over child-size object” seems like it’s of interest. Heck, that someone’s driving around this weird-ass prototype is of interest.


Musk is a complete moron and so are the sycophants that suck at his tit.

I’m surprised you didn’t also mention that the 2 major brands of Kosher salt (Diamond and Morton) have very different granularity and volume, using the wrong one can throw off recipes when measuring by volume. By weight they’re interchangeable. But if you’re going by a volume measurement then about twice as much

I try not to mess with it too much when it’s “active” but here it is!

Pretty substantial load of horseshit you got there bud.


he screams at her until she cries. she doesn't owe him shit.