
This is the Bernie Bro phenomenon in a nutshell: a good-enough idea (pointing out the superdelegate system is fundamentally undemocratic) runs into an obnoxious social media tactic, helmed by someone who seems like a bit of a dick.

Also, I forgot the amazing first day of your period where you (or at least I) pee and poo off one pant size.

Ooookaayyyyy, but when do they start voting each other out, or whatever? How often do they get Tyra mail? Is there a Confessional?

I am fundamentally against any and all media endeavors that try to treat such a dangerous and immoral lifestyle as something worthy of praise. I will not support any television program that portrays “teenagers” in a positive light.

You mean the same “western ideals” that made French troops force little girls and women in the Central African Republic to have sex with dogs and a variety of other sexual violence?

To be fair, maybe they are out of towners on vacation in LA and, catching wind that the girls (terrible terrible) idol is nearby, let the girls stay up just this once kind of thing.

Now playing

he will never top Aaron’s party (come get it.)

OMG the piano tattoo thing fills me with a horrific case of secondhand embarrassment

Howdy! I like that city! I’m in West Seattle, where it is a sunny-ass day and I am scared of the yellow thing in the skyyyyyy what is ittttttt.

Haha yup. Same here. The influx of Californians is bringing so many damn umbrellas though. That’s why we have REI, people!! Go buy a damn technical rain jacket!!!

Seriously. Fuck Umbrellas.

What’s worse: some inconsiderate asshole who cannot manage to safely navigate his umbrella on a rainy day, or a delicate flower asshole too cheap to use sunscreen who carries an umbrella on a SUNNY day?

Better yet— ditch umbrellas altogether because they’re FUCKING STUPID.


The grossest thing your body has ever done is eat a 1 lb bag of black twizzlers.

Finally I get to share my story publicly in a setting where people WANT to hear it!!! In December 2014, I started having really massive stomach cramps. I thought perhaps I had eaten something bad, or was PMSing, but these cramps were constant. I couldn’t sleep, I stopped being able to eat. I couldn’t stand up

Not super gross but scary and weird:

You could make a good red ale if you get the timing right.

My first period after Nuvaring I noticed something dangling from my vag. Naturally I pulled on it. Out came what I assume was a chunk of the lining of my uterus.