
Maybe instead of getting upset at the commenters you should be upset with the platform. This article isn't even about cars. It's about women's rights concerning cars. If you don't like them covering things like this and you want pure, unadulterated car-talk then I imagine you need to direct that criticism to Jalopnik.

Yeah man, those crazy feminists. They actually think it's rape if the woman doesn't consent (but not by saying no, just crying and saying "please stop" like I can understand that) or if the woman is "unconscious."

"Go back to Jezebel." What do you mean by this? Do you mean that if a person wants to say certain things, they should be relegated to certain websites that YOU deem appropriate? Do you mean that the person should not be allowed to speak on other sites? I'm confused.

Right. Because discussing rape in an article about rape is somehow inappropriate?

Yeah he's a good mediator.

Ughhhhh, white ppl saying they're Buddhist. Just because you like the philosophy and apply it to your life does not make you a Buddhist. It's like going to mass at the Vatican, bringing home a rosary, and going to christmas mass and saying you're catholic.

Who ARE you people?


I'm not sure I have enough for all of them....


I think there's something about immigrant stories that connect all immigrant families. One of the first movies that I felt showed how my family is was My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and my family isn't even Greek. My boyfriend and I are both 1/2 generation (immigrant kids), and there's a shared experience of how we've

"The refugee family we hosted over 35 years ago are still close friends, completely Americanized, financially successful"


My twins are on the autism spectrum. They are verbal and high functioning so they don't have a lot of the "bad" traits people associate with autism. Still, I get so pissed when people say they don't want vaccines because "Autism!" because they rather risk their kids dying painful deaths then have kids like mine.

My best friends cousins sisters aunts dog groomer makes $1,00o a day working from her home computer by using a proven system to pretend to be someones GF/BF————————————————->>http://goo.gl/56jKKv

hi I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight, but I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses!!!

eeeeeeeeeeeeee is he kind of cute? and am i kind of dumb for commenting on said cuteness? whatever idgaf, he's cute.

*It's about Ethics in Our Childhoods.

His bulge was a metronome swinging back and forth hypnotically to the beat.

It's super cute, but we all acknowledge it's really an excuse for Mr. Pankey to show of his moves and star in a viral video, right? I can't hate, though, cause his body in those pants has more mental sticking power than the song.