
While I liked this episode, definitely didn't quite feel the love most others seem to have. Ultimately just hasn't turned out to be very memorable for me. Charming, but none of the stories or even the storytelling here are all that unique. Perhaps tuning in for a few seasons of Switched At Birth ruined the novelty of

What other things are going on Thursday nights at this point, though? Especially at 10? I mean, there's Archer, Vikings, and Lip Sync Battle on cable. The Catch, Rush Hour, and Game of Silence on broadcast. Not exactly a murderers row of programming.

At this stage, the show should be embarrassed for continuing to extend this Glenn bullshit. The reveal is going to be almost completely devoid of any impact. Nice job. And for what? Ratings ticked up a whopping 1% last week - to watch 90 minutes having nothing to do with anything really. So ultimately, nobody gets a

Boy oh boy, yea, that original vampire could not have looked any cheaper. The body suit was frighteningly apparent. But the projectile vomiting allowed me to forgive the whole thing. If that's not entertainment, I don't know what is.

This assertion that Danny "suddenly devolves into a Bond villain" isn't making much sense to me. Where exactly are we getting that from? Perhaps I'm just sympathizing with the character/performance enough to understand where he's coming from, while others seem to not be able to. I don't know; a guy who's been blamed

It's still moving a bit on the slower side for me BUT I think there were some super encouraging signs in this one and it looks like the show is moving in the right direction. Definitely agree that this is the best they've balanced everything. A week after I complained about wanting a cat and mouse game between Team

It's pretty generous to say A TON has happened. The situation in NYC really isn't that big a deal yet. Many of the plane passengers seem to still be roaming around in the sewers and they got loose in the pilot. Clearly it's not so much an issue that the population is aware of it yet. Certainly, it's not exactly the

Okay, that's helpful, thanks. As long as it's coming eventually, I'm going to stick with the show. Hopefully the journey to that is more exciting than what we've gotten so far.

"A weekly orgy of hunting/killing the infected? And characters getting picked off by the infected one-by-one?"

But that IS the basic philosophy, is it not? Remove all attachments and become blank slates to be a constant reminder of the departure. It's still complete nonsense and makes no sense whatsoever to me. WHY do they care about reminding people of the departure? The Guilty Remnant is a deeply problematic part of this

I don't think that's unfair to say, though I'm partial to the pilot myself. But I guess this still seems far from the show's potential ceiling to me. It feels like there's a lot of room for growth.

While I thought previous grades were harsh, this one seems generous. In all honesty, The Strain is officially frustrating the hell out of me, because there's quite obviously the potential for a truly thrilling, fun piece of entertainment and yet we're getting an excruciating amount of build-up. Every time an episode

Oh, so you completely understand Patti now? What exactly did you glean apart from her simply stating it's all so people will remember the departure? And was this truly enlightening for you?

Why is it that whenever people complain about a show, somebody inevitably has to comment that they should stick with "x form of apparently lesser entertainment" and stop expecting to be "spoon fed." Could we be any more generic?

Laurie's "So?" is exactly what's often going on in my head while watching this show.

Unfortunately, Defiance and Helix have bigger audiences than this show. And the ratings for Continuum on Syfy took a major dive from last season, despite remaining in the same timeslot, which is the best that network has to offer. Not good. It's probably cheap enough that there's still a decent chance it returns, but

Unfortunately, no. It's a simple issue of a lack of coherence. Let's put aside the complete mystery of where the dead are going and what they're doing for a second. If I don't understand why the living are giving into the demands of the dead, how am I supposed to be moved by it? If the show doesn't make sure we and

I can't help but find it hilarious each time we go from the deadly serious action within the show to their little elevator music opening title. You do have to wonder if they're trying to tell us something with it.

I guess I can't necessarily agree with that. There's no reason why the show couldn't still be extremely compelling after answering it.

I just don't buy that. The show has MANY mysteries and new ones can be introduced. If a series has to basically be over once a mystery is solved, something is wrong with it. The Returned was based enough in character that it shouldn't have that problem.