
Was he wearing a blue shirt or yellow one?

I won’t disagree that they have privacy issues, bud!

Or I can suggest another product like Google Nest cams

Wait was Dumbo really released this year? It feels like it was released last year

Yeah cause the average consumer doesn’t really give a fuck unless it directly impacts them or someone they care about.

This is good Kinja

This is a much better take than the one I was going to give, which simply amounted to saying the comment is extremely dumb and narrow-minded

I am so goddamn ready for this

And what did it cost?

My new puppy was watching this episode with me this morning, and when Mando and Baby Yoda stepped off his ship, she barked at Baby Yoda walking lmao

Just because you think the movie’s bad, doesn’t mean that it actually is, bud.

Greef saying to Mando, "I'm your only hope.", was a nice homage to Leia and ANH

This could be a good story idea 

I’m gonna fucking miss Splinter.

Does anyone else remember that she got her first gig (I think) on US public school system news show Channel One?

I will fully admit that I probably creamed my pants a few times when watching the premiere last night.

Bethesda has been Vault-Tec all along

I like IMDB’s design but good god this desgin is bad

Jesus fucking Christ 

I am seriously so fucking excited for season 4. I already cleared it with my wife that imma need time to binge watch this lmao