
As a South Carolinian, fuck this state and fuck SCE&G and Santee Cooper

I bought it digitally a week after it came out and I still haven’t gotten the code. I did just double check my Promotions inbox but to no avail

Only a person who ponders about Life, the Universe, and Everything will use the password “hunter2" 

Could you show us on the doll where they hurt you, HamNo?

came to say the same

Thanks, Shep! Just ordered.

Thanks, Shep! Just ordered.

Damn, that sucks about Salvation. I don’t think a lot of people watched but it was surprisingly good and that was a helluva cliffhanger they left season 2 on.

tbh I always preferred Eevee over its evo’s

He looks like Voldemort

well, duh 

Did you mean episode 9 of season 4 of Lucifer? lol

what the fuck.

My wife might have definitely shed a few when we watched it

I noticed this! First time was during the first episode when Steve is first at Irene’s house and he’s looking at her and Carl’s collection of his books and saw a figure quickly move in the background.

I remember when I was being hauled off to jail for a month back in 2013 around this time of year, the cop was typing on his laptop in the car while driving and i straight up told him, “yo can you stop with that shit while we’re heading there? I don’t want to die right now”. He mumbled an apology and closed it. And

still a better love story than twilight


My wife and I watched this a few weeks because I told her some of the people who watched it, couldn’t make it past the first 10 minutes, and she wanted to see how long we could make through it. We ended up finishing it. What a terrible, incredible movie