

Guess it just wasn’t part of God’s plan

It’s a shame her Dr. Smith, and everything around her is easily the worst part of the show. It’s been getting through episodes cause it’s so frustrating.

As someone who owns a few pairs of these, GO BUY SOME!!! THEY’RE FUCKING AMAZING

As someone who owns a few pairs of these, GO BUY SOME!!! THEY’RE FUCKING AMAZING

the sweet sweet embrace of the heat death of the universe comes for me even quicker now.

you are a saint

it’s cause he’s in the limelight thanks to the privacy scandal. So memers gonna meme

yeah same. Tho Beast Boy does look like his cartoon counterpoint in the early 00s version

By the ‘Verse, I am so fucking happy this show is back

Did not know that! No wonder they have good, organic onscreen chemistry.

FUCK YES!!!! I still have my GOTY copy of Morrowind sitting under my desk

ahahahahahahahahahaha that’s fucking GOLD

He did alright considering what he had to work with! He was excellent in Hell on Wheels

Thanks, Shep! Used this in conjunction with the Soylent Sample Box promo I got from a post on here a few weeks ago, so I only paid $18.

Thanks, Shep! Used this in conjunction with the Soylent Sample Box promo I got from a post on here a few weeks ago,

that’s definitely a fair point

I’m excited about this still, but Alden’s performance seems a little flat. Maybe it’s due to the many cuts in this trailer.

not a fan of fish fuckin’ are ya, bud?

not a fan of fish fuckin’ are ya, bud?

came to ask this lmao thank you, Shep

came to ask this lmao thank you, Shep

What an excellent season to an excellent season!

Having just beat this game for the Xbone this past weekend, I was thinking that this would be a fantastic game to port to the Switch!!