
This is the best shot I could get when it was in totality. Really doesn’t do it justice with seeing it with your own eyes

It’s hotter than Satan’s Taint here lmao

I live in Columbia, SC and the traffic wasn’t *too bad* after the eclipse passed. Granted, one of the main interstates, I-26, was deadlocked for about 2 hours before I left work (445ish), but all the other roads around the area were basically empty of traffic.

Semantics, but he didn’t try to fight the entire wight army. Just the Night King. But semantics since he created the wights.

Hi hello there!

Came to say this! Meant to download it last night

That is one sexy planet. Got my eyes on you...

Thanks! haha I knew I didn’t have it down exactly but couldn’t really check since I’m at work and had to hurry

Haven’t read the article yet but I just wanted to say that my favorite line of the night was by Davos: “and here I thought you’d just keep rowing”

That punching bag is all of us


came to say the same

This is fucking incredible!

When I meant climax, I meant the Drogon’s roar as he broke the clouds.

Probably gonna finish up Tacoma tonight and I dunno what I’m gonna play this weekend. I got Aereo for $10 on XBL earlier this week. Might continue playing TellTale’s GoT

I just finished watching and holy goddamned testicles was that incredible. I clapped so hard during the climax.

Man, the Hear It From The Fans sections is fucking gold

Hi friends! Big fan of y’all’s work.

I wondered about this last night as I was playing it. Really digging this game and its story.

Oh my, I dig these very, very much. The Force is strong in them.