
I am fucking dying at the snowball video. Absolutely fantastic

Was wondering this too, tbh. It threw me off when I first noticed it wasn’t on their list.

I’m so hype for Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost Recon, and Mass Effect.

We’ve got a sentient space tree and talking raccoon

I’m not even mad cause I know what comes with the risks of Morning Spoilers haha. I’m more surprised that I lasted this long considering I had the TFA big spoiler spoiled a week before the movie premiered.

I love you so much.

I don’t mind flashbacks on Arrow so long as they’re now used to flesh out the other heroes. Five years of Ollie flashbacks is enough for me.

Goddamn it, have all the stars

I need to rewatch this

Man, fuck.

Jesus christ thanks for the horrid imagery

Goodnight, sweet prince :(

Holy shit this is worse than some amatuer shorts that have been done. No offense to them. Fuck all those soundbites thrown in wtf

Now imagine Ted Cruz, naked, sitting in a darkened room and surrounded by nothing but empty soup cans and shredded photos of Donald Trump as he meticulously applies Cheez Whiz to a Vienna sausage. Heidi smiles silently on a chair in the corner, staring at nothing. Another productive Tuesday morning.

holy shit

and the pants-shitting has begun.

You seem nice


Sad Marvin was the hero that 2016 needed but not the one we deserved.

Came in based on the first header text thinking it was a rip off of Parallels. I hope that they genuinely do expand upon it and it gets more than a 90 minute “movie”, cause Parallels was a really really interesting premise that should have been picked up for a full season imho