
ok I lol’d:

I don’t really care for baseball at all but goddamn if his love for the game and all the emotions surrounding his loss ain’t got me tripped up.

Me trying to patiently waiting for this movie to come out:

Whoa, the animation style reminds of this 2006 animated movie about the future starring Daniel Craig. It’s called Renaissance

CenturyLink is trash anyways

imo it’s worth mentioning that the 4GB variant of the Samsung Chromebook 3 is also on sale for just $10 more at $179!

imo it’s worth mentioning that the 4GB variant of the Samsung Chromebook 3 is also on sale for just $10 more at $179!

I’d watch this tbqh

is this real life

She looks like the generic brand for a pharmaceutical drug.

Haven’t read the article but holy hell that first pic... so purty

Came to the comments to do the same thing. Love you

I’m proud to say that I’m the 300th +1 for this. Thank you for all that you do.

Bayless looks like he’s in a perpetual state of having a stroke in OP pic

God, yes. “Actually”.

I have no feelings whatsoever about this movie but watching y’all react in the comments has been the highlight of my morning. Thank you.

Lochte kinda looks like the American version of Draco Malfoy

Yeah I realized I could and was trying to move shit from old ship to new ship but I was drunk off my ass. Which led me to accidentally saving in New ship when I gave up, and old one disappearing when I logged inthe next day.