
The opposite of this discussion for me would be Revolution

This is something I would definitely love to. And good on him for keeping his deceased wife's promise

Shit, I am now manually wanting to watch Babylon 5 for the 3rd time. Thanks.

The only one(s) I like outside of Cooper is Nolan North and maybe Seth Green


Thanks, Prism


Primary reason: Because io9 is my favorite Gawker site and I'd like to have a bigger role in the site's ongoings.

Primary reason: Because io9 is my favorite Gawker site and I'd like to have a bigger role in the site's ongoings.

The ending of this episode reminded me a bit of The Rings of Ahkaten (the whole speech thing), and Hide. All in all, a pretty good ep imo

I love this idea but I wonder if there's a way to maybe use a Pi or whatever so I can Last.Fm scrobble. I'm a sucker for keeping tabs on how much I listen to my music

I'm actually in the middle of watching The X-Files. Season 6, and I am starting to agree with this. Maybe part of it, at least with this show, is that Carter didn't really have the foresight to realize or dream up services like Netflix where shows could be binged watched. Something like that

How much did you guys get paid to write this 'Hands-On'?

I am nVisionary and I approve of this article.

There's a Farscape movie in the works, iirc

Season 2 of Space Dandy and the Cosmic Heroin has been fucking incredible, and I'm going to be pissed if Syfy pulls a Stargate Universe on this show

This reminds me a lot of those Animorphs books

It's not scifi or Fantasy, and I don't want to spoil it, but: