
Hey, Are You Ready for a Bunch More Movies of RDJ’s Sherlock Holmes?

They are funny, the cast is great, whats not to love?

Geez, seriously. Do you like anything???

So with Bricken the main guy you have to be the main “I hate everything” person now?

Oh. Well I guess IO9 have spoken and we are not allowed anymore Sherlock Holmes. Thanks again for telling us what we like and don’t like IO9. What would we do without you bastions of taste to tell us what to think?

It’s also the viewing public’s. And I, for one, say no.

I am ready for more, as they are enjoyable. I'm also ready for a new writer to take your place, as you're not doing a very good job creating articles.

And I say the viewing public has already spoken, with many people having bought tickets to both, and most people liking them both, including me. I know that Rob Bricken has taken over the site now, but maybe you don’t have to give the impression that your opinion of a movie is the objectively correct opinion, when in

Joe Silver is a living legend. These movies are a bunch of fun

I’m down. I enjoyed both films.

Hey now! I liked the second one. It was a fun Guy Ritchie movie..I see these adaptations more as a reinvention of Sherlock Holmes as a pulp hero. I also actually really like RDJ’s portrayal of Holmes. The Holmes in the book always read a little more manic to me, and RDJ has it in spades.

Do not understand the hate these movies get. I for one am stoked for more

I’m going to have to agree with the majority here, I for one have enjoyed both films and look forward to more. Sorry, but their entertaining, if I want a good Sherlock Holmes mystery I can just read a book.

I can’t disagree more. I really liked RDJ as Sherlock Holmes and enjoyed both movies.

What was wrong with Stephen Fry? I love him, and I loved him in that. I liked the second movie, although I can see that it has some flaws. Still, of all the flaws you could have pointed to, you singled out Fry?

Meh, considering all the other crap they put out these days these movies were not too bad. They were entertaining and I can live with that - wouldn’t mind a few more!

I.. enjoyed... both movies!

*curls into an unbreakable shame ball*

Jared Harris did an amazing performance as Moriarty that was worth the price of admission alone. The 2nd film was great!

We need to get Jonny Lee Miller an AVENGERS role so that all 3 Sherlocks can be on screen at once.

It might be faint praise that they have a script they “like”, but that’s a far better place to be in than the many sequels that start filming without a finished script.