
And here we see the native igneous rocks on their annual migration from the sea to their feeding grounds of Haiti’s fields to feast on farmer’s plow blades.

I enjoyed League not because it was great cinema but because I thought it was goofy fun.

I’m sure I will be in the minority here, but I actually enjoyed a lot the LoEG. Shockingly, particularly for the addition of Tom Sawyer! I found the final scene of Quatermain dying while “passing the torch” to Sawyer very moving, and a great metaphor - although in no way subtle - for the substituition of the British

Why do we need this?? We already have the best prequel TV series we’re ever gonna get.

It actually seems like it’s pretty easy to read and deny the clear consensus of the scientific community. He does it over and over. It must be awesome to be able to pick and choose which science to ‘believe’ in...

Yea it must be frustrating to have to click on, read, and comment on stories that don’t interest you.

Yes Maddie, please stop spreading information that God fearing people don’t understand or care to believe. Climate change, evolution, science.. all witchcraft and lies!!!

But.. But Helen McCrory!

If Battleship and John Carter couldn’t kill Taylor Kitsch’s career, then I’m pretty sure a couple of shotgun blasts can’t kill Colin Farrell.

Bullet proof vest?

I was part of the officiating crew at this tournament. I wasn’t on this match but was watching from about 20 meters or so from the incident. The ref, Leah Berard (google her), had indeed blown a penalty against Cal for not releasing, and did so pretty quickly. The Kutztown player stood up while the Cal player stayed

It was hella cheesy, but that cheese is delicious.

The only point in the film’s favor was Stuart Townsend’s rather excellent portrayal of Dorian Gray.

Controversially I think that the concept of Dorian Grey being in the film was one of the few great things about that movie.

Only because Moore went literally insane. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is improved by cutting out Mina Murray-Harker.


We kinda already have that show.

If this doesn’t get picked up for another season, I’m gonna riot.

Pink Floyd's 'Welcome to the Machine' playing over the last minutes of the episode was so perfect, it gave me chills.

Actually, if you read the whole piece, only 8 of the team's 46 members were even at the party (the others were away playing a game), the party wasn't an official team event, and the way they've been characterized by the administration isn't exactly reflective of the reality, which is much more complicated than "SPORTS