
“The roof is on fire, and time is running out to fix it.”

Time ran out 20 years ago, there were just a bunch of moronic blowhards stating otherwise.

KW, solid article.

Not all of us feel the joy of lower gas prices or the pain of lower oil prices the same. As an O&G industry professional, I am using that extra money normally budgeted for the pump (~$50/month) to pay down the student loans.

The industry is in an incredible degree of flux and $35/bbl oil means

Bonar Menniger knows...

I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing that.

The penalty was called on Cal, originally. The reason Hasan got carded is because he made the move that picked up and dropped the Cal player AFTER Leah blew her whistle for the penalty. This possibly lost KU the match and Hasan knew it.

“he was briefly a member of the campus rugby team nine years ago, in 2006.”

This means that Vander Briel’s 98lb ass attended one rugby practice to understand rugby was not for him. It also means that he never played a match, never registered with the rugby team as a member, and that his name is not found in USA Rugby’s

Where will this go?

Might Machine have gone into hibernation because it had finally found Samaritan’s permanent blind spot? Can Machine be input to Samaritan’s systems through that blind spot? Are the core heuristics that Machine compressed into the briefcase RAM the heuristics that can/will bring down Samaritan?

Ms Babcock, When the truth about this entire incident comes out (and there is more and I hope Ms Ryan covers that portion as well as she did this portion), will you be willing to state that you might have been wrong? Or will you just delete your comments?


The question "how to turn back climate change?" is no longer relevant.

Awesome display of a kinetic energy release.

Interesting that George Hickey's Accidental Discharge is NOT considered a conspiracy theory...

In case you ever wonder why the USGS conducted a mineralogical survey of Afghanistan, wonder no more. Take the USGS survey (available online) and overlay it with a map of US military operations bases in country. Afghanistan was always about minerals.

Oh wait, that already happened!

Maybe the umbrella produced a reflective glare from the sun that temporarily blinded George Hickey, causing him to AD as he attempted to take aim at Oswald?!?

Also, you must be talking about commercial and academic divers. Industrial divers make dives to -300' NSW without a problem. Sat divers to -640' and can stay down for longer periods of time. The Exosuit ADS is rated for -1000' (http://nuytco.com/wp-content/upl…).

Yeah, you don't live in Weber's district. Moving out in 6 weeks...

The over-population is due to unmitigated totalitarian agriculture (obviously, you've read Quinn and know this). Capitalism (which our feudal oligarchy is NOT), religion of every sort, and a veritable caste-system are all symptoms of TA.