
LOL. Are you being paid by the Flames to say that? The ticket surcharge doesn’t belong to the Flames because they aren’t currently charging it and the final 3rd being paid through various taxes is literally how the government works. They pay for things through tax revenue. They are suggesting a modified CRL where a

Well it isn’t actually exponential, it’s a steep line. For conversation let’s say at 1mph the tire goes at 10rpm. At 2mph that would be 20rpm and so on. At 237mph it would travel at 2370rpm. The rate of rotation is directly tied to the speed at an absolute ratio.

I don’t think it’s a case of stainless steel not getting enough love but rather that non-stick and barbeque gets way too much. I say that because most people only cook with non-stick or on the grill. C’mon people pull out the dutch oven once in a while, learn to cook a steak on the stove and finish in the oven,

America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School is easily the best cookbook I have ever encountered. Step by step info on all the basics and it includes pictures so you know if it looks right. I referenced it almost every meal when I first bought it even if I didn’t use it for the actual recipe. Things like how to properly prep

Just buy the city select. New its $800 but you’ll be able to sell it 3 years later for $600.

This works assuming your kids don’t collude against you and start winning these auctions by picking up one toy.

In Calgary’s case of the concerts it’s absolutely true though. Have a look at the recent tours that skipped Calgary in favour of Edmonton. It’s because the Saddledome’s famous dip actually means it lacks the required strength for many modern tours. Jay-z, Ed Sheeran, The Weeknd, Depeche Mode, Roger Waters, Coldplay,

It is a blessing to be a Pats fan in Western Canada. Not having to actually know how awful Pats fans are is really great.

As a Pats fan this brings me both great joy and also kind of a gross feeling. My brother is a Falcons fan and when the Pats scored their 1st TD he texted me “this is not good.” The score was 28-9 and he felt compelled to text me that. That is the life of a Falcons fan.

Anyone who cooks bacon in a pan is a rube. Cook it in the oven and you don’t get grease all over the stove top and your clothes/skin/eyes, you don’t have to watch over it and it requires basically zero clean up.

I’m actually much less surprised that a church that size wouldn’t have a kitchen. What kind of potluck are you expecting that would feed up to 40000 on a Sunday? Could you imagine the quality control required if it was actually a potluck? The logistics behind having an event like that would be staggering. I’ve seen

At least it’s not like the coast guard FLYING overhead could be used elsewhere like saving people from drowning.

When I was growing up kickball or soccer baseball (which is the best name for it) was called Chinese Baseball. I grew up in Alberta and I have no clue as to where that name came from. I imagine it has some sort of derogatory roots but I’m not sure.

This is 100% homers. Basically anyone under 6'2" and older than 30, that isn’t a true athlete could not dunk. I’m 6'2" and at one point in my life I played college ball and could dunk, that is no longer the case. Approximately 1% of the US population is >6'4" which I think would be the minimum threshold for a person

Chevy Citation

The entire point was picking random words. I must not have explained that clearly enough. I’m not telling people to pick the words out of their head. I’m saying you need to go to a dictionary flip to a random page and point at a word.

Except there are 150000 words in a dictionary compared to 26 letters + 10 numbers + I dunno 20 other characters. 4 random words (as long as they are truly random) is basically uncrackable by current computers. You can check my earlier reply for a break down as to why that is.

4 random words out of the dictionary creates greater than 5 quintillion options (150000^4). An average password hacking computer can guess at a rate of 1 billion guesses per second. So it would take that computer 500 billion seconds to guess a 4 random word password. Let’s say that it only took half the time, you are

I guess you could say he might find himself between a rock and a hammer.