You must not be familiar with curling.
You must not be familiar with curling.
4. March 6, 1836
If nothing else at least if you live there you can have a new beach house, well, a couple minutes from the beach.
Preheat your pan for 5 minutes on low (2 or 3 on my gas stove). Once ready put your eggs in and cover immediately (after adding salt and pepper). That’s how you cook a fried egg to even consistency. It might take a few tries to master the time required for your preferred doneness but it will be worth it. The key is…
Heavy cream, 1 extra yolk for every 2 eggs, use a fork to stir (never a whisk). Preheat non-stick on medium high heat, add in 1 Tbsp unsalted butter. Once butter stops foaming pour in eggs and cook until you can draw a line in the eggs and it doesn’t fill back in (~2 minutes for me). Continue cooking on medium low for…
Seriously? I hope you are being sarcastic because so can water, that doesn’t make it bad. You can consume literally any food at a volume that isn’t healthy.
Dairy, fruit, grain all contain carbs. And they aren’t bad for you.
Other than cooking eggs there’s basically no reason to use non-stick. Also, Le Creuset’s cast iron skillets are essentially non-stick which is awesome because it’s the best of both worlds.
The greatest percentage of bad drivers will likely be Toyota but not because driving a Toyota makes you a bad driver (that would be really stupid to suggest that) but because Toyota is the most common vehicle on the road. I have literally never seen a bad McLaren driver where I live but that’s because I’ve only seen a…
That might work for some people but I tried this a couple of days ago with my baby in his seat and it was incredibly uncomfortable.
You aren’t a homeowner if you haven’t paid off your house you are just on a rent to own program from the bank. The bank is your landlord and if you miss your rent you get evicted that’s it.
That sounds an awful lot like revisionist history on his part. He uses several examples of the 10,000 hour rule to prove his point including stories of 10,000 hours that are wholly false like the one about The Beatles. The founder of the theory, K. Anders Ericsson, discusses in his book “Peak” that Gladwell totally…
If my wife doesn’t eat her share of some easily divided item I give it one obvious snack/meal for her to eat the leftover then it’s fair game. She’s going to work tomorrow and doesn’t take it, fair game. Had green onion cakes for a saturday lunch and she doesn’t eat them when we are eating a snack with our movie, I’m…
Buy a good digital instant read thermometer. That’s it. Always stays juicy, never worried about doneness. Do it. Go and buy one today if you haven’t.
This is a good comment.
Is the giraffe’s name is Robben?
It’s too bad he’s selling because what a lovely couple they made.
They are a black swan. The absence of proof is not proof of non-existence..