
Sooo many White girls I know list Breakfast at Tiffany’s as their favorite movie. Personally I could never get past this shit. I know it’s from an earlier era and such but it’s like they went out of their way to be racist when they didn’t even have to be.

About time Hollywood started to get “paranoid” about this. How many roles in the history of Hollywood cinema have been whitewashed?

like, all of this terrible non-shade and non-escalation tells me that these girls don’t know how to have a real feud

Unless you grew up in a Basketball arena, I’m pretty sure 6’4” is considered to be pretty freakin’ tall.

I never thought of “Mary Sue” as a gendered term. In fact the way the term was first explained to me was “Like, you know all of Tom Clancy or John Grisham’s main characters”?

And no true Scotsman in comments sections.

I’m kidding around, it was a comment I saw a lot of months ago. “This is a misunderstanding! If only you knew the truth you’d be behind Gamergate! Here, please watch this 30 minute YouTube video of a guy wearing sunglasses indoors saying “females” a bunch!”

Gamergate is a joke, a movement based on hate, nothing more than a rallying cry for misogynists.

the gulf between what you people *think* you are and what you *actually* are is miles wide.

While I think open conversations are an important part of parenting, I think it’s kind of disingenuous to claim a parent can just tell their child that the man walking a woman on a leash around the mall is just “make believe.” Kids generally know that normal adults don’t usually play make believe in public and walk

“...and nurtured her from schoolgirl to superstar.”

It’s funny because I really don’t get the impression that Gwyneth eats, laughs, OR has sex. I saw her bedroom in an interior design magazine one time. No one had ever had sex in that room. It looked like a goddamn museum.

And so it begins. Tyga better watch his ass now. I knew that they would turn on him eventually. Now, I believe that he is disgusting and should be called out for dating a child but I knew that it would work out like this. That they would be fine with it as long as others didn’t complain. But since others are

ABC censored the word “vagina” but not the word “bitch.”

The “kill yourself” brigade truly are amongst the filthiest, bottom-snogging, dung-munching ghouls the internet ever shat into existence. This fucker and his ilk are loathsome beyond the power of words to describe. I wish them all long lives full of thwarted dreams and disappointment.

Sometimes that’s just what it takes to move bureaucratic gears. I had several instances during my undergraduate in which a call from my mother seemed to do more than any amount of form-filing or requests or emails on my part.

You said it all. Unless the definition of “emotionally naked” is loose and made clear that the naked naked is purely one of many options on the table, weird power dynamic in play. That said, as a college level educator, parents should not be calling the school on behalf of their adult children who signed up for

If it was “stand naked in front of the class” I could maybe see it being some sort of legitimate performance art instructional thing (demonstrating that you’re comfortable enough with your own self that you can be totally vulnerable in front of a crowd is probably a thing that performance artists should be able to

People are such haters. VIDA didn't even count the binders of women writers they keep in the office.

I think you forgot "... during the Neolithic period, men evolved longer-story-telling genes while recounting their adventures during the mammoth hunts. The women, who didn't go on these hunts, didn't evolve the longer-story-telling gene, but are better adapted to create short bedtime-type stories and shopping lists."