
She’s hustling for sympathy

For a sticky note? Not everything that's wrong is illegal.

I would think “internal scheduling matters” would refer to like scheduling quarterly conference calls about earnings. Nothing "internal" about a tv station's prime time line up.

They're just so bland and have so little relation to the characters, blurring away all the humanity and personality of every single character cursed to have its name slapped on those soulless pieces of plastic. I didn't hate them until they started taking up like 50% of the floor space of the Dragon Con vendor hall.

I hope it humiliates the offenders. I'm sure they're banking on acting like these were victimless crimes. I hope when they make their PR firm-arranged comeback interviews, the interviewer talks about the victims of their crimes.

I thought the over the topness made it a chuckle moment personally

This story was already crazy, but when I got to “music class” it just killed me.

He’s not the one who’s going to end up stranded at school with a bunch of freezing children if they make the wrong call and a significant number of kids can’t get home.

It would have been less of a disaster for the Greater Exuma locals. Though I guess they would have flown in a bunch of locals to work and then stranded them without pay. Maybe if they’d listened to the Dutch pilot, though.....

“You are only able to say it looks like nothing special because of its a ubiquitous idea that you would expect to see or have already seen around you, on the street.”

Matheson is also the author of Becoming a Whole Man

What exactly is she proud of here? The impressive feat of purchasing a rifle and spotlight from Walmart?


Yeah I don’t really get people emphasizing that they were by drone, like that’s what made it wrong. If you believe they were wrong, why does it make a difference whether someone pulled the trigger from a computer?

I'm gonna a take a wild guess that this is bad.

Now playing

This is the opening of that episode and sexual harassment training/respectful behavior was only treated as more and more of a joke as the episode went on.

Just want to point this out (kinja is so messed up I can’t find my original comment about this episode)

“yell the phrase “yellow card” to mock on-set harassment training.”

most tunnels have shoulders for just such an occasion

THEY WERE “tipped off that something was going to happen” on THEIR STAGE at THEIR FESTIVAL????? And their response was just to hype it on twitter? Talk about a fucking soft target!