
That's a fair argument against not charging them with a crime. It's not a fair argument against canceling a football season. No one's entitled to play high school football.

"It's not cool to throw any of those things out, but it is understandable."

I keep hoping they'll write Mike off so we can just have the Jessica & Harvey show.

I know that, I didn't say we should assume he's guilty. I was pointing out that LibbyBell's post presumes that Oberst is "the" victim and the woman is "in the wrong".

How about not automatically assuming a woman who says she was raped is "in the wrong" just because the accused said she is?

I think he decided to start Joaquin'ing after all the plagiarism stuff about that movie he "wrote" came out so he could claim he'd been Joaquin'ing all along.

I think that was the plot of a movie she was in, Syrup if I recall correctly. I never saw it, though, just the trailer.

"Same Love (NO HOMO THO)"

I'm pretty sure this is actually just an overly defensive Christmas letter from the Fertittas.

The apache tracker was a great character on the Welcome to Nightvale podcast because he was always accompanied by Cecil talking about what an embarrassment he is to the town. However, fans should never cosplay as him because you can't dress up like a "white guy who wears the huge and cartoonishly inaccurate Indian

Is this a crack about the fact that Native Americans own hardly any land because we stole it all?

*cannot resist Community gif opportunity*

Bruce Campbell's chin gets a lot of well-deserved praise, but I've always loved young Bruce's brows.

Lily ends up shaking her ass in the video too. I interpreted it as her saying she shouldn't need to, but considering what the industry is is like, she understands why so many women do.

No! They should ditch him so there's more time for gratuitous Slade training montages.

No, I haven't. I've thought about it, but I already have too many shows I watch. Is it over now?

I want to see Gina Torres v. Mark Sheppard.

Of course he wishes arguments could be settled with duels. Duels have nothing to do with facts or evidence; who wins a duel has nothing to do with who is right.

Hockey is amazing and I will never be able to watch football. I would have been willing to grudgingly accept refugee dudebros at the rink if they could have kept the Thrashers from leaving ATL. Now I'm having to cheer for a bunch of no-names at the Gwinnett Gladiators.

Your post implied you thought that marijuana smoke isn't different from from cigarette smoke and shouldn't be treated any different, that's what I was responding to. That being said, getting stuck walking behind a smoker on a crowded sidewalk is the worst, it goes right in your face. It happened to me at college on a