
Perhaps you should climb up out of your voluminous asshole and join the real world, in which common, everyday people are absolutely and rightfully revolted by any gender confusion at all.

Yeah, she just came up with that all by herself, and not at the insistence and cajoling of her asshole ball-less father.

There weren’t any fat female stormtroopers, you moron.

So radical! You must bleed all day from cutting yourself on your cutting edges.

Absolutely retarded. Literally.

“Peeing in a public place is an act of fantasy fulfillment that many of us would perform if given the chance and the assurance that we wouldn’t be put in jail.”

She looks like what I figure most Jezebel readers look like, although about 50 pounds lighter. Also, about as intelligent as a Jezebel reader, too. Oh! And as classy.

I starred you just to spite you.

You girl, where’d u get yr medical license? Having an abortion at Planned Parenthood don’t count.

Wow! Just think of the accolades if he’d built a *real* bomb!

Quaffed a Boons?

Come on. I’m sure the Prez Limo has a TV in it. He can chickenhawk all over DC and still stay current. LAZY!

Old hag has opinions!

MayB it’s because lunatics like you, Hilary Crosley Croker, have perpetuated a culture of continuous, mindless outrage?

I cannot wait for him to be Prez.

Worst punk band ever.

There’s a picture of mental health if even I did see one.

Can’t wait for Trevor Noah’s show to be cancelled.

Would it be fair to say that she was “snatched” out of the doctor’s chair?

Good thing this old white man who decided to chop off his dick has come around on this important issue.