Meh - diversity is overrated. Just look at Iceland or Norway - they seem to get along just fine.
Meh - diversity is overrated. Just look at Iceland or Norway - they seem to get along just fine.
I don’t think the politics hurt the product one bit....evidently my opinion isn’t unique either....
Awesome post - I was surprised when I learned Bob Marley died of skin cancer. It’s important to get that epidermis checked...then treated when something is found.
I was wondering why all the kids were singing “sipping on straight chlorine” - now it all makes sense!
Yes, please ask this at the interview stage - it helps us weed out future “problem” employees!
Not really sure why you’re calling out trump - civil forfeiture and government over reach has been alive and thriving well before he got into office. Why not just blame it on the bicameral system and all the faith people are putting in their slowly-turning-socialist government?
The targets of these raids have had their day in court and there is a legal deportation order for them. Let’s not aid and abet people who shouldn’t be here.
Don’t do it unless you want to get pwned by a hacker. Way too easy to get compromised on open wi-fi....
No, this is why the author should fly red eyes....I’m too old for that shit.
What new information did you provide after 3 years?
And so appropriate to have it during pride month. Yay!
How does drone footage fit into the public/private space delineation? If the asshole up the street is recording footage of my backyard while flying his DJI around, can I go after him?
Haven’t bought an article of clothing from China in years, so it’s not going to affect me one bit. Check out American Giant for clothing sourced and made here in the USA and quit being a commie bastard! :)
All this political shaming! Every Pride month, I double down and eat a CFA twice! Just because somebody doesn’t agree with your world point of view doesn’t mean that you have to demonize them....but go ahead and be like trump if you want to...I’ll be enjoying one of those orange shake things.
And due to the tiny percentage of people who fit into all of your exceptions....society has to change? Naw, that smacks too much of entitlement. Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.
The major item this article is missing is repair costs. Homes require maintenance and upkeep - something a renter doesn’t have to worry about. If you buy a house and don’t set aside 5-10% of the value per year, that new roof, siding or appliance is going to be a big ding to the wallet.
Go over to the Root if you wanna bend over backwards to make some kind of butt-hurt racism remark. Student loans don’t care about your skin color so it’s an equal opportunity problem.
There’s a heap of plastic garbage swirling around in the Pacific Ocean right now and much of it is the result of our own littering and improper trash disposal.
It’s a way to get the poor to pay their fair share of taxes and gambling is a personal liberty - how dare you attack that bedrock..... ;)
How romantic! Why didn’t you publish this around Valentines day?