
It’s not cheating if the wealthy follow the letter of the law of the tax code. Failing to report income is cheating. Tax accountants are required to report efforts to break the law...attorneys on the other hand....

Doesn’t Southwest require chubbys to purchase an extra seat?

It’s a monolithic bunch of white people living in a bubble - I’m sure you can find similar places in the US with equal amounts of happiness if they’re not tuning into the news 24/7.

What if the business is owned by a guy who dresses up as a woman? Is there a “I don’t give a shit” option?

I support the homeless and just toss them out of my car window when I pass the encampments. No crushing going on here!

Who’s going to clean up the mess on the floor as I’m holding my wife’s hand and pushing?

In the <pound> metoo era, guys aren’t allowed to be persistent any more. It’s called herassment or stalking and will get you in trouble later on in life...

45% of people in the US don’t pay fed income tax...I’m guessing most of the delivery people fall into this category so doubtful that any tax is being evaded.

Ah, “hate”, the liberal term for anyone disagreeing with their position. Perhaps a story about dealing with opposing views would be more constructive. Not every voice in opposition is “hate”.

Considering black unemployment is at an all time low and that the prison reform bill was signed by trump, I can’t possibly imagine why bringing this banner would be considered “racism”. Like him or not, the current president has done more for black folk than the previous black president....

How about an update to the article with Mueller’s response to the story? Let’s not let the fake news wave carry all the trump derangement syndrome people away!

Where do I pick up a pair of those glasses so I don’t burn my eyes?

45% of Americans don’t pay ANY federal income tax. I think that’s the percentage that you should really focus on. That’s over 100 million people who are getting all of the benefits of our wonderful federal government and not contributing any of their paycheck. You want to talk about unfair...let’s start there. 

Every time they miss a shipping date, I open up the old chat window and tell them how disappointed I am. Back in the old days, they used to extend my Prime account by a month. These days, they usually offer a $12 credit to my account. Call ‘em out on it!

Thankful for not having Trump derangement I can get through a day without being depressed and enjoy the people who are important in my life.

That’s good news for people like Bezos and Gates, because chances are if you knew how much money they actually have (well, how high their net worth actually is), you probably wouldn’t be too pleased.

We don’t need to debate or even consider those positions because they don’t result in anything positive for society at large.

How about an alternative for google voice?

I wasn’t aware they new system had a “race” component...but you’re spot on to talk about how it affects people of all skin colors who are poor...even trailer trash.

You’re right, one word: teeth!