
especially amongst the American people.

My federal tax rate is over 20% - I’m trusting ICE to reunify those their home countries. I’ll use my miles to visit my family in my home country.

As a male, I’m pretty sure they won’t cover it...just like they won’t cover my contraception.

Head west to Cannon Beach and avoid the homeless shooting up on the on-ramps...the thing I remember the most during my last visit out there.

This is how lifehacker treats me - been in the gray for years. It’s not so much a shadow as a pall, though.

they may be using it to raise rates or to discriminate against groups of people

It’s also the worst aspect of the Republican/Conservative mentality, because they have embraced that stance.

Short for “my condom broke”.

And for every example of your Albanian, we can find a Kate Steinle, or an MS-13 victim or somebody who’s been in a car accident with an uninsured illegal alien.

Came here to ask for an article about:

How do blind people figure out when they’re done wiping?

When was the last time there were 3 movies that you actually wanted to see in the theater at the same time during a given week? I can’t imagine 12 in the same month - there just isn’t that much good material at AMCs.

Wasteful packaging is an inescapable part of drawing breath in a capitalist society

Promises made by politicians, huh?

What’s the big deal? I can walk into any pharmacy...or gas station and walk out with birth control. They’re called condoms.

Does GDPR trump law enforcement’s rifling through the data? Can you send the “forget me” directive and make sure they purge their databases? Will be interesting to see moving forward.

And make eye contact, dammit! I hate it when people shake my hand and are looking across the room. I’m ugly, but not hideous.

I wasn’t aware that somebody’s “disposable income” had anything to do with how much they paid for a ticket or their frequent flyer status. Was there a checkbox on Kayak or Southwest for income level I missed?

Grouping all chiropractors together and making generalizations about them? When we do that about blacks, Muslims or immigrants, this site gets up on its moral high horse and bashes such generalizations. You reference a 10 year old report about a few deaths (half of which NOT caused by a chiro) and go all Jenny

But I’ve been reading that women are the same as men and that everyone should treat people nicely regardless of their gender. Your explanation doesn’t match the progressive propaganda, dude.....