It was the breast stock photo they could find!
It was the breast stock photo they could find!
Onlyfans is cutting back on the sexual content they’re allowing starting in October. Stuffy banking partners are bringing the firm pimp hand to the game.
We’re focusing on the fish eggs instead of the rich person paying a “fair share” of taxes? Is this still G/O Media?
Can’t get much lazier than copy/paste from another site...then put them in a fucking slideshow to boost your click numbers. <smh>
Maybe because you have an allergy or you’re immuno-compromised or have one of the other pre-existing conditions that makes it dangerous to take? I thought people on this site were supposed to be open minded and scientific...go check yourself.
Your lack of fucking empathy astounds me - you should be kicked off of such a progressive site. There are several pre-existing conditions listed on the “warning section” of each vaccination that would preclude people from safely getting a vaccine. Granted, it’s a small percentage of the population...but then again,…
“Bespoke” fridges? That word is so 2019 and the fridges aren’t handmade to some spec. Learn a new word, hipster....
“Bespoke” fridges? That word is so 2019 and the fridges aren’t handmade to some spec. Learn a new word, hipster....
I’m happy that I work for a company that doesn’t roll out a virtue signalling logo every June. Why should you have to agree that gay marriage is as worthy a cause as letting boys compete on girls sports teams when scholarships are on the line? The rainbow flag movement does more to divide this country than bring it…
What’s up with the fucking cuss word in the title? You lack that much creativity that you have to resort to using the Lord’s name in vain?
“How to write a headline that doesn’t apply at all to the story you wrote” -Sam Blum
What company do you work for? (asking for a fiend)
Yeah, not going to pander to the .2% of people out there that have some sort of identity problem...get over it and find a way to join the rest of the normal people.’re either a progressive sheeple and have black comments or a real thinking person and get shadow banned....
What’s with the 2 white people in the photo. Haven’t you been reading the woke manual on diversity and inclusion these days?
Pretty sure shooting brown people for sport is common in Chicago, Baltimore, Philly and other “blue” other brown people. But we don’t want to talk about that and mess up the narrative, do we?
You’re absolutely right. Next thing we need to do is allow the sperm donor to maintain HIS rights to not hand over child support if he didn’t want to have a child. If he has no say in what a woman can do with her body, then she shouldn’t have a say in his finances for the next 18 years....
I thought liberals are all anti-gun and shit. The guy in MN had an outstanding warrant for illegal gun possession and now he’s no longer a threat to his community. They caught Timothy McVeigh on a traffic stop and now he’s no longer a threat to the community. I know you liberals love drugs and hate guns & cops, but…
I thought weed was supposed to mellow people....maybe you’re not smoking the right shit, man.
And Gender Dysphoria is on the DSM-5 list but you don’t have any articles about treating it as a disease rather than letting boys pretend they’re girls in scholastic sports. Either the DSM-5 list matters to you or it doesn’t - you don’t get to play favorites.
Awww, so sweet to come to Bernie’s aid....that little old guy just can’t catch a break between his crazy ideas and fashion sense.