From an accessibility standpoint, yeah these aren’t ideal. But while it’s not a super limited release, it’s not the new standard going forward. I haven’t played Uno in years and I want these.
From an accessibility standpoint, yeah these aren’t ideal. But while it’s not a super limited release, it’s not the new standard going forward. I haven’t played Uno in years and I want these.
If you get the Riverfolk Expansion, you can play Root single player against a Mechanical Marquise de Cat. There is a lot to like about the game, it’s downright adorable with some interesting faction mechanics.
And money, don’t forget money. It’s the economy, stupid!
I just started playing The Witcher 3, and the side quests are way more interesting already than a lot of RPGs. There feels like more nuance to them. Don’t just kill the griffin, learn why the griffin is doing this. Even though Nilfgaard is the invader in the Northern Kingdoms, some people aren’t fighting and just…
Sounds like they see themselves as artists, not game developers, so explains the tack they took on this.
My company has both. Skype is creaky and unstable for us right now, Teams seems to work better and uses less bandwidth according to our IT ops. People are constantly losing Skype calls and seem to be better anecdotally using Teams
I’m limiting takeout, mostly because it’s hard to eat healthily ordering takeout where I live unless I want to really hoof it. By the time I get the food home, it’s cold.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some heroes only wear capes.
That alfredo recipe is all well and good and probably makes a nice and gooey sauce. Take it up another notch by squeezing a lemon into the cream when you first add it. It actually thickens the cream a little bit and adds a nice little zing.
I always tried to go both, and maintain a save-line that was always paragon, and then that was always renegade. But I made the mistake of not playing FemShep so I tried a third playthrough that was “grey” and sarcastic, but not outright paragon or renegade (but I never finished it).
I think this is a huge thing, less of the benefit we get as gamers comes from how cool the graphics are, and much of it is under the hood. Shared-world loot shooters like Destiny weren’t feasible on an Xbox360 or PS3. The graphics were better than the most recent Halo, but that wasn’t the selling point of Destiny. …
Unless they were expecting the Diamond Princess cruise ship or a bunch of people from Hubei province to show up, it’s not really an issue. People have traveled all over the world, and the further you get away from the epicenter, it hasn’t been spreading that fast.
I guess there is a lot of that kind of speculation, since they also pulled out of another big convention recently.
this is a bad comment and you should feel bad.
all of you are cowards if you don’t use your hands
If that is the criteria they are using, then everybody with student loans who declares bankruptcy should be able to discharge them. Even without bankruptcy, they kept me from buying a home for like a decade, the ones my wife has are never going away because the outstanding balance keeps getting bigger, and we always…
There is practically no risk of contracting Covid-19 in Boston. The man was diagnosed two weeks ago, and has basically been in isolation since. And there have been no further reports of anybody, not even healthcare workers, contracting Covid-19 in Boston. PAX East attracts a lot of folks from the east coast, but it…
I bet there is only like, one guy left at the company who knows anything about the forum and he’s been doing it since he created it and now he’s retiring so instead of training someone else on an old platform they will just get rid of it.
Well, no, but, the problem with streaming games is the same as streaming anything. The platform doesn’t own the content, they own expiring rights to the content. So eventually they lose those rights, and their customers lose out on that experience. Then Disney buys all the gaming companies and then you can stream…
Also like District 9 a lot, but I was also old enough to understand the themes of wealth inequality in that one