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    Though likely there are no longer any of the bloggers from back in the day present at Giz (I stopped following that closely after the Deadspin implosion) historically Gizmodo was always fawning over Apple products. For years. Apple products got huge coverage, live blogs of their events to a greater degree than any

    The irony of claiming that Jobs and Edison changed the world because they weren’t Jesus, when Jesus historically was a real person, and definitely changed the world (one could argue if for better or for worse).

    Northeasterners are likely more accustomed to losing power in the winter versus the summer/fall from a hurricane, so when our power goes out, we can move the contents of our fridges and freezers outside. Most things will keep fairly well. Burying in the snow also helps. These are all mostly tips for losing power.

    Well... yes and no. The 13th amendment specifically allows for slavery of incarcerated persons.

    If you design a system, someone will always figure out a way to game that system.

    I don’t buy that. Instant polenta comes together in about five minutes, and works well enough. Forever polenta only takes about 30 minutes, but depends on the coarseness of the grain you are using.  And is pretty great.  It’s about as difficult to make as like risotto or something, which is to say, you have to be

    I feel personally attacked with that “people from New England” swipe.

    Here I am, five months later, and I still haven’t finished it.  I’m chipping away at it slowly.  I started out heavy at the beginning of the pandemic because my wife had picked up AC:NH and was playing the ever loving shit out of it, so I had many nights I could play The Witcher.  But as summer hit, I pulled back to a

    I would try these tofu square thingies, but if you think of tofu as a meat substitute you’re often going to be disappointed. Tofu has to be thought of as tofu and approached as tofu. It’s a great sponge for flavor if treated right. It’s a terrible substitute to try and replicate meat in most cases. There is a local

    It is awful, every phone I’ve had has had the charging port as the failure.  It wasn’t quite as bad before they killed headphone jacks, because I could usually just force the plug, and pray it would hold, and still listen to music/podcasts.  But now the headphones that came with my phone won’t work with the phone.  I

    Well, I liked the game in 2004, so I guess it was fine.  

    That’s not how central air really works anyway. You can have multiple zones and one zone be the driver of temperature setting. My third floor master bedroom gets very hot and stuffy, so at night the AC runs to bring that room to temperature and turns off when it’s reached. The rest of the house gets some cooling as a

    Shots. Fired.

    Like I said, I don’t want to start a syrup flame war here. VT syrup is good. But NH syrup is also good. Maine syrup is good. The syrup I get locally in MA is good. And the syrup that is produced where my parents group up in western NY is good. They each have their own distinct flavors. And they are all good. What I’m

    Spoiler alert:  They break!

    If we’re going to split hairs... the syrup wasn’t part of the line until the 1960's, this is true, and by that time HFCS was how it was sweetened. Real maple syrup though was a symbol of emancipation and self reliance, something that people would think are American ideals. Aunt Jemima was literally designed and

    Better yet, use real maple syrup.  Real maple syrup was a product championed by quakers and abolitionists as a slavery-free form of sweetener (sugar plantations used slaves).  And it’s fucking amazing to boot.  Don’t want to start a syrup flame war here, but buy local if you can.  Otherwise you’re buying something

    Well, are you actually gaming with this in your lap?  Laptop is kind of a misnomer, because most laptop usage is actually at a table.  If its making the keyboard and trackpad hot... I guess that is really hot.  

    The adult swim one is crap, because they don’t even have the first half of season four for Rick and Morty (I don’t have cable anymore, so I haven’t watched all that much AS in a while, so I don’t know what else is new and good).  For $15 a month, they should have all episodes as they air on network TV and cable.