You can’t predict baseball!
You can’t predict baseball!
Pretty much all actions are political. By choosing to play video games rather than protest, you inherently saying the concerns of those protesting are not important enough to you to do anything about them. If you are neutral (or apathetic really) in situations of injustice you have taken the side of the oppressor. …
It’s not really my place to be gatekeeping and say “this game is artistic and this one is not.” Like is Big Bang Theory art? Are comic books actually books? Are MCU films actually 'cinema' or not? Who the fuck knows or cares.
You can’t argue that video games are art and then turn around and say “keep your politics out of video games.” Art is inherently political (one way or another, it doesn’t matter, it makes a statement). Sports are also political, as Deadspin has articulated before. eSports then, are doubly political. And if you make…
The optimal butter knife is the offset butter knife. It’s kind of like a trowel, but exclusively for spreading soft salty butter on your bread. And it’s great!
At 6'4", I have to disagree that it’s the best. The world’s is almost designed for you but not quite. Public transit, airplanes, cars, theatre seats are all juuuust a bit too small. You’re right on the cusp of big and tall, so many brands don’t actually make your size. Clothes for this size are never on clearance. …
So there are Cumberlands and Irvings throughout Maine, NH, and Mass (probably other New England States too) so how is it they share the top spots in those states? Also, most of those states have Dunks in their gas stations, and I have a hard time picturing any New Englander picking an Irving or Cumby’s brand coffee…
Is Scott Elder trying to capitalize on the Pickle Rick thing from a couple years ago?
I always knew I was getting cheated at this. My biggest pet peeve though with AIs, especially back then, was that in games like Starcraft, they had the ability to execute multiple unrelated actions at once. They could send a force of zergling to invade you and manage their resource gatherers at the same time. …
they’ve kinda touched on OW porn in the past as it’s own thing. And while yeah, it’s super pervasive, it’s not as weird as some of these other ones, or as supposedly aweseomely bad as the Potter one.
I think Theo’s biggest indictment is that he traded away Gleyber Torres for 1/2 a season of Aroldis Chapman with NY, then let him go back to NY. NY basically let CHC borrow Chapman for three months in exchange for a guy who will be among the best players in the league for years to come.
It would be one thing if there were any other sports to truly care about in Chicago, but I’m pretty all the other major pro teams are, or are going to be, butt. Red Sox fans are fans now, but when the swoon comes in September, they just pull the old “Homer into the bushes” thing, disappearing as a Sox fan and…
Abolish field goals. Take the foot out of football, and change the name to spheroidball or tackleball.
Or maybe it’s hard to keep the WS year after year. And unlike his time in Boston, where it was pretty much only NY and Boston you had to contend with (sometimes one of the other three would be decent enough to fake contention), Chicago has a St. Louis and Milwaukee both as good teams in their own division.
At first I was like... there is no way that $22T is only 110% of GDP, but then I looked it up and holy shit, the US GDP is nearly $20T! I guess it’s been a lot longer since I studied econ in college than I thought.
I can only foresee in a couple years, Trump gets re-elected, and starts selling off National Parks and protected areas, privatizing the management of SS/Medicare and other programs, to reduce the national debt.
Even I’m not old enough to remember McD’s fries prior to the switch from beef tallow, so I never understood why people always thought their fries were so much better. Fries were fries were fries in the 90's. I’m betting that half the good memories people have are just nostalgia from the excitement of going to McD’s as…
Apple Cider Vinegar.
I recently read how he was brought in not just because he was a great player, but he was a great person. He was treated like crap as a young player himself, even when he was really good. He vowed to never be like that to future young players.
Look at the map. The distances from Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, or Iran to the attack sites is too far for pretty much any drone. The KSA air defenses may have been “pointed south” (which seems like a dumb argument but whatever) but they sit northeast of the sites. They probably came from within the KSA, with help from…