Yankee Stadium is for some reason actually playing slightly as a pitcher’s park this year, depending on RHB or LHB. A righty in NY has it about as rough as the west coast parks, which notoriously suppress runs.
I mean, we have to be getting to a point where some head coaches grew up playing Madden, right? I grew up playing Madden, and I never punted or kicked field goals, and most people I played with didn’t. That’s how you freaking won the game. Going for it on fourth down regardless of the yardage situation.
I recently listened to a podcast with a Nigerian(Igbo)-American journalist as the guest... The Igbo people and the history of Nigeria are just so fascinating, and the the real awful shit the Empire did there is overshadowed by the awful shit they did in other places simply because Ireland is white people with a large…
I’m super judgemental towards addicts. I know it’s a disease, I know it changed brain chemistry, I know it’s not a moral failing. But part of me is always like “stop making the bad choice" even if they literally can't not make that bad choice. My wife is a good moderator of this in me. She's a Very Good Person.
I relate to that guy’s fiancee. I have a similar relationship with my dad, and because of my now wife standing up to him when we were still only dating, I ended up not talking to him for like nearly a year. She keeps her mouth shut now just to keep the peace, and my dad has mellowed with age and distance.
Maine might be the worst for insularity. My wife grew up in central Maine, close-ish to Augusta. Went to school in NH where we met and we lived in a town actually bordering Maine. She might as well have been living in the fucking moon according to some of her family. She was officially “from away” ever since, tainted…
The vagueries of the NFL salary structure and cap escape me. They can cut this guy, not pay him anything else on his remaining contract (unless it stipulates like buyouts I’m assuming) yet the Jets still get penalized “cap space” because they had a guy there were going to pay but definitely aren’t now?
Nips (usually fireball) just get tossed around the ground all the time and I hate it.
Medium commenters are something else. They take their shit seriously, and love to chastise you.
So for cheap beer it looks like we're getting regional. I can't get Natty Boh or Genny Cream, but Narragansett does the trick for cheap beers where I'm at
Eventually, the games will only be played on pape...er...spreadsheets.
The biggest drawback for me from Destiny was the fact that at a certain point, it became unplayable as a solo player. Players had to go to 3rd party LFG boards to find other players to do raids. It was crap, and I quit, and never came back. I’m sure it’s better now.
More often than not it’s ok. There are definitely toxic people, but no worse than most other PvP games I’ve played. A number of gamers are just shit people. But I’m sure toxicity can be worse depending on who you are. Women still get more shit than men. Role queue has helped some. While the quality of play in my games…
I’m just glad you finally put a nail in the crypt keepers coffin. Rest in power.
I miss the days when the Patriots were irrelevant and a Red Sox late season swoon was what angered up the locals.
The thing is, Overwatch is an always online game. It could be interesting to easily pair up with people in the same room and play over wifi, but I’m not taking this on the train with me each morning. I can barely browse on my phone through half my commute anyway.
As a Yankees fan, I often wear an O's hat. Mostly because I just like the duck.
I guess the question is, are any of these worth watching?