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    Specials can also change with the season, or with what the chef/buyer is finding at the market at liking that day or week. Maybe they found some killer, in season cherries. Or a particularly amazing fish.

    I would say, if you know what you’re doing, salted butter can be good for cooking, especially in Allison Roman’s famous shortbread cookies.  However, you have to be weary of increased salt and water contents, so stick to what you know.  I would also argue that, for baking, it depends on what you’re baking when you

    In New England, there are three things to do. Apple picking, foliage viewing and fairs. I’m mostly familiar with areas north of Boston, so here goes.

    Yeah this is cool, though i doubt it is by design.  I think it’s a game that has so many mechanics under the hood, that weird stuff happens.  Elder Scrolls games are kind of like this too, but I think Bethesda has a lot more experience with open world games than Nintendo, and have a better handle at anticipating

    I’m convinced the only reason Philadelphia has more people than Boston is because it’s not as fucking cold.

    I thought those “disclaimers” at the end of emails people put weren’t illegal, just that they didn’t hold any water in court.

    The way you described the track is exactly how the track near me was where I grew up.  Seems seedy, run down, not a place “respectable” people go.  I’ve driven by more recently.  The place has an enormous parking lot, a signifier of a time when the placed was probably packed on weekends. But a vast swath of it is

    If cuz’s instagram feed is anything to believed, the food AND booze scene in urban Houston puts that pussy on the chainwax

    My cousins grew up near Houston in the burbs, and one of them now lives in the city, and he actually really likes it, and definitely falls into that multiculturalist bucket you mention.  He’s a good guy and makes me kind want to visit Houston.  In January.

    Driving in Boston sucks, but other than severe congestion, it’s really no worse than most other major, east coast cities. Just beware Storrow Drive. And I guess there are very few off ramps on I-90 in Boston. If you are going west coming from the Airport and you miss the exit for downtown, the only options to turn

    People forget what Boston used to be shaped like (this)

    You stuck to sports so hard you might never get peeled off the sports again.  SPORTS!


    Big Vlad had nearly 2600 hits over his 15 year career, so it stands to reason that at least one or two hits by a guy who looks very much like him, and learned how to swing a bat from him, are going to look similar.

    Yeah, I guess, but even still, part of the rank you get is whether you win or lose, and with crap DPS, it doesn’t matter how good of a healer you are.

    The problem is that DPS is still flooded with people who have no business playing it.  Yes, it’s good that I will have enough healers as a tank, but so far my games have been way less competitive and fun, even if I do have a “balanced” composition.  

    You could wet a washcloth and freeze it, then let the kid chew on it.  Similar effect, less mess.

    I don’t know.  Much like with the metric system, much of the world has switched to the 24-hr clock away from the 12-hr clock.  I don’t think it’s as widely adopted though as metric.  The US (except for the military) stubbornly continues to use the 12-hr clock

    Bronze Meta is Best Meta

    Switch to a 24-hour coco and your AM/PM dilemma is gone