
Cat calling is a dumb example because, with the exception of celebs apparently, the threatening aspect is more or less unique to women (which he acknowledges).

Yeah, that’s pretty much the entire fucking point.

It’s not even 9am, and you have made my day. I’m at work, trying so hard to keep my laughter quiet, I feel like my rib cage us is going to tear through my skin.

Shouldn't have been reading Jez right before bed. Will be sleeping with blanket over my head to protect me from nightmare spiders now.

I suggest asking your three sisters if there was ever a time in junior high or high school where they were caught unprepared or if they ever bled through their pants. I think you will be surprised at their response.

Well, it seems that responsible, loving moms can still raise total asshats, so...

It’s so good. At first, you’re like (well I am anyway), What the hell, man? This is cruel!

This is quite simply the best funny animal video on the internet. Full stop. And I’ve thought so ever since the first time I saw it years ago. Nothing has ever come close, except maybe the honey badger.

The crack spider is a badass.

And birds! ETA whoops, I thought you had replied to The Noble Renard... what the heck though, I’ll leave it. Randomness abounds.

So, fuck those girls whose moms are dead, I guess?

Responsible and loving moms are determined by more than whether or not they give their daughters fucking tampons. Jesus. You sound like an asshole.

Right? Whatever is provided free is going to be the cheapest shit possible, the ones with cardboard applicators. Nobody who can afford to provide their own would use those by choice.

My mom is a single mother who worked full time. Yeah she bought me tampons but I didn’t expect the woman to track my period for me. Also, if this guy can successfully track the incredibly irregular menstruation of a 13 year old girl for a year, I will take back everything I said and declare him correct.

Totally who I was going to nominate. I was in Reach for the Top when I was in high school (Canadian nerd cred, yo), and our team used to infuriate everyone because, whenever a question started “This female Canadian novelist” we would buzz in before they finished and yell “Margaret Atwood!” We were never wrong.

Ugh yes, we all know she is the queen of canada - but canadians actually want a canadian woman (born and raised here, having done actual work for the people that live here) to be on the money.

Actually, she is Canadian. She may be born in the UK but in her the sovereignty of Canada resides. She is the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. In her body and ten finger and ten toes. Canada does not exist without her actually. This is what people fail to understand - she in her person is the state. Her body is the state. This

I can’t help but to have flinched at that one. “A useless parasite...”

Re: the plastic - You get used to it. I really hated it at first.