
If you really want less sex workers, then please do what you can to raise the min wage.

What is a pimp though. In the eyes of the law anyone that benefits from money that a full service sex worker makes can be prosecuted as a pimp. That means partner/spouse, family members, friend, co workers and even landlords could be prosecuted as pimps. If two friends go across state lines to engage in sex work they

Looking down on clients doesn’t help sex workers.

Sex tourism is already happening. Guys travel and they can go online and find a full-service sex worker in their area in no time. Some guys make plans ahead of time. There are sex workers that travel to a new city for a week or weekend.

god forbid you tell your story without issuing a dozen disclaimers and delineating precisely who fits your definition of “woman”

I agree about the intersectionality part, but I do think not being born male, cis, white, and/or hetero can give someone thoughts and experiences on those things.

My great aunt was a prostitute. Never went to college, only job she had was as a model one day she took her 5 kids and left her husband. “Having clients” paid the bills and she enjoyed it. It was interesting from a feminist pov because she wasn’t young, never did drugs, always decided on her own johns, never had a

Um... pretty sure it is.

I think she’s talented and can, as in this case, be very thoughtful and kind. I also think she behaves like a rude diva a lot of the time. There’s room for both. She’s not a bad person by any means.

No feminists say it explicitly, but in my experience if you listen to an anti sex work feminist talk long enough on the subject they’ll get around to how commercialized sex is damaging to all women, not just the women engaged in sex work. And the reasoning really does boil down to — legalized prostitution floods the

“...legalization (which most sex workers oppose) with decriminalization (which most sex workers support).”

Yea Hillary really needs to put out a better statement and apology. That was a monumental f*ck up.

Also we all laugh because we think Ryan Reynolds is joking about “taking” Alaska, but I know better. He seems sneaky like that.

Plenty of people work perfectly legal jobs that are degrading because they're poor, uneducated, or feeding an addiction. We only get up in arms because of the sex.

My guess is that the type of woman who is frantically clicking through these surveys is the type who suspects that the legality of prostitution is the only thing holding her beau back from running out and banging everything in sight. This is likely due to the fact that her beau is the one who sent her the survey link.

People paid to have filmed sex = legal

Because Murricans (and humans in general) have a problem with deciding that consensual sex is only okay if they’re okay with the person’s motives for having sex. Sex to have a baby? Good. Sex because your spouse wants it? Good. Sex for pleasure? Bad- mainly if you're an unmarried or single woman or a non-hetero

I don’t get it, porn, where multiple people are paid money to have sex, is legal. While prostitution, where one person is paid money to have sex, is illegal. We need to ban both or legalize both, otherwise the laws are intellectual inconsistent.

I lived in a county in Nevada with legalized prostitution for several years. Since there was also a military base nearby, it was the good for everyone involved.

This is just awful. This family needs to STOP; the interviews are cringe worthy at best and the missionary husband looks like he needs help.