
It’s because of the movie It. That created a lot of kids scared of clowns.

Ok... granted I have a soft spot for Blake... And the 70s... I love that dress! Arg. Not what I would have chosen to wear to a state dinner (and like why were they invited??) but I do love it. And for her, it is very covered up. So, there’s that?

She literally could have talked about anything else though. Even D.A.R.E., which was an epic joke, certainly started the conversation about drugs much younger and made it a community issue not just a parental issue. Or you know, just being a nice lady or whatever. People can still pick apart that but at least it has

Wow. You are seriously defending this? There are a MILLION things she could have said about Reagan that are true. ‘Strong first lady, amazing courage during her husband’s assassination attempt’ and she went for this. How do you think you are progressive and spout this kind of stuff?

Has HRC ever done anything wrong in

artist’s rendering of me first reading this quote:

I don’t care how big of a HRC fan you are (and there are justifiable reasons I know, I know. Calm down Hillary stans. Yaass Queen and all that) this is a shameful lie.

I'll vote for Hillary in November, because what choice do I have, but after what she said about the Reagans and the AIDS epidemic of the 80s the thought of doing so actually makes me feel ill.

Also, North America = U.S.A.? No mention of Canada or Mexico

This is the intersection of things I don’t really care about: Kim Kardashian and babies. A friend of mine liked this pic on KK’s Facebook page, so it ended up on my feed and I blocked it.

Pretty much exactly this.

Ok, but, like, home girl had a kid semi-recently. I get it. And it’s a really nice wrap dress robe.

I thought you meant “something vaguely bathrobe-esque” but I looked at the pic and nooope, that is a fucking bathrobe that someone attacked with scissors when they realised it needed to look a bit less like a bathrobe. So now it looks like a bathrobe styled by an angry falcon, which is not a huge improvement.

Hot take: That baby, like many other babies, is cute. Once the baby becomes not a baby, his cuteness will likely diminish over time.

None of this surprises me, her forays into Scottish politics over the last year or so have been embarrassing ill-informed and then there was the whole thing recently where she was mocked for her cultural dopeyness when talking about all the other ‘international’ wizard schools.

It didn’t help that she wrote some novels under a pseudonym and then essentially threw a hissy fit that they didn’t do as well as she had hoped and that maybe her skills as a writer are more genre-limited than she thinks.

Except for the fact that she is writing a history of America, just incorporating magic into it. Therefore, she should know at least some things about, say, the actual history of America. Like when it was founded.

No need to apologize—I think the “real women have curves” narrative (which kind of only exacerbates the problem, despite being originated with really good intentions) is pretty well seeped into the culture now. I get what you meant. :-)

I love the sentiment that if Hillary wins “the country is done.” Like all the Republicans weren’t sniveling about that exact same thing when Obama was running for president. Get over yourselves. Stop being so damn hyperbolic. The world did not end after Obama was elected (twice!). Everything is not about you, guys,

I have zero opinion on what she is doing for trans rights. As you say, it’s not my fight.

I think trans women have a critical part in the discussion of women’s rights and feminism because they come from a unique perspective and face a separate level of almost openly tolerated discrimination that I, as a cis Black woman, can’t imagine facing.