
I agree that this dude is way out of line, but it’s also untrue that people were as heavy as they are now on such a large scale. Yes, some wealthy people. In the US, everyone is more wealthy than people were in the past. And yes, being skinny was never really a norm either. But widespread obesity really is a product

Look I agree that obesity is a relatively new thing in modern culture, but you’re way simplifying and using a blaming/holier-than-thou tone. This is why it’s nearly impossible to have a reasonable discussion about any of these issues. BUT THE LARGER POINT- all of that aside, there is nothing wrong with this add,

These “fat=wealth” people have never read the literature of past ages. Every single depiction of womanly beauty talks about thin waists, and that’s just the beginning of it. Sure the Victoria’s Secret body was not in fashion, but that is a far cry from saying overweight bodies were celebrated. And no, Rubens images

Fat rolls are not completely natural. The fat epidemic is a result of the greedy lifestyle of the 20th century. Look at film footage of street secenes from the early mid 1900s. You don’t see fatties. Because it’s not natural. Because people were eating decent diets of non-processed, non-sugary foods in moderate

According to the TMZ article: “NBC says it’s asked Lane Bryant to make `minor edit to comply with broadcast indecency guidelines.’ It would not say what specifically was indecent about the ad.”

It’s honestly like he evoked the boogeyman, and that overrode their capability of understanding anything else he said. He didn’t say anything remotely close to the headline.

I don’t think what he says jives with the headline. I mean, the guy is a douche, and I dislike christian missionaries as much as the next liberal atheist, but I don’t read this as saying “muslims are great if they convert”. I do think too many conservatives need to hear things like this, though. They need their

For fucks sake, as much of a scumbag he is, Marco Rubio has been the only person in this campaign who hasn’t likened Muslims to terrorists, killers of your children and rapists of your wives. Can we just fucking stop? He mentioned how much they contributed to our communal country. Christian, Muslim, whatever. Look, I

Forgive me but what did Rubio say that was so wrong? He didn’t say he wanted Muslims to convert, he stated that a Christian missionary couple who was in a Muslim country was met with kindness from Muslims. Am I missing something here?

This (and sorry I can’t upvote you, because Firefox). The “Muslims converting to Christianity” was one stray sentence out of a much larger whole, and his point may sound basic as hell to us, but more Republicans need to be saying, and understanding, this very basic thing. And no, I’m not a Rubio supporter either.

Sorry, JE, but that last line could just as well apply to this story. Rubio did not say he’s okay with Muslims only if they convert to Christianity. And his point about not pissing off moderate Muslims as a strategy against the fight with radical jihadists has been echoed by Hillary Clinton and the rest of the

I remember being a chubby teen and thinking all my problems would be solved if I was thin. I lost weight and was still a mess. I’d bet this guy is still fucked in the head, which may also explain the super fast engagement (“I finally found someone who likes my penis!!)

I’m a teacher who spent last period today dealing with an 11 year old, who had been smoking weed he brought to school. His mum does it all the time at home, so was completely disinterested when we called home - what’s the big deal? She couldn’t even be bothered to come and get him, as he was throwing up all over the

I use Aveeno or generic Aveeno, but I’ve been doing that for years so it’s not cuz of Jen. I don’t know anyone who uses the other stuff mentioned, either.

I agree with your last statement in particular (although being pregnant at the moment has me closer to that time...yikes).

Holy crap can we be marijuana grinches together, because I so rarely fine my people. Everyone else can dance all high like around us while we scowl.

I’m imagining all my friends who are unable to move from the couch when smoking, or the mind-boggling amount of folks that pass through court bc of pot-dui for reckless or stupid driving.

I think parents who have to smoke to tolerate being around their children are kind of pathetic and I'm not sure why the author is bragging about it.

One million times yes. My dad was a stoner, and after my parents divorced, my mother continued to date users, so I was around drugs (mostly weed, but also occasionally coke and hash) a lot.

I am with you. This article was super fascinating and on some levels made a lot of sense, but I bet I couldn’t do it. It would remind me too forcibly of painful,abusive and neglectful aspects of my own childhood that have to do with having a very, very drug addicted parent. No matter how much I recognize that pot is