
You read Jenny's fifty Shades recaps too?

You think reading it was bad... I listened to it on audiobook lol. Huge mistake. Only thing that made that sex contract more annoying was having it read verbatim by the voice of a 21 year old sorority girl.

The scum in the town burned down her house.

12. Forgetting to hop into bed to evade the monsters.

Maybe this is TMI, but making my dude pull out right before he comes is basically the last thing I'd want to do....

More Saving. More doing. That's the power of The Home Depot.

No problem, good luck with the wedding when it does happen ;)

This Mad Men dance thing was one of my favorite Pete Campbell moments. Off topic, but just saying. On topic, these findings do not surprise me in the least. Nope, not in the least.

It's wonderful!! I recommend it about once a week.

The country, that day, went into convulsions no unlike those the poor queen was suffering. An heir! An heir at last!

I have never had soft shell crab because I grew up in a Pacific Northwest fishing town where I ate more Dungeness crab by the time I was 5 than most poor bastards do in their lifetime.

Year 11...not 11 years old. Year 11 would be like 11th grade. She was born before 9/11! Take heart!

My fiancé (I'm 25 as well) was also my first real boyfriend. And also my first, you know. So sometimes it's scary, and when we both say things like "let's never break up and be single" you have to wonder if we're settling, but we love each other and we have a fantastic relationship and I can't imagine not being with

guys..GUIESZZZ.... this is a timely article, as I'm 90% sure I'm pregnant (still got 4 days to go for a definitive test), AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I never wanted kids and my husband, mother, and MIL are rather indifferent. I primarily didn't want kids because 1.) I never felt a motherly instinct 2.) I'm vain and I

The explanatory lines are actually at the end of the NYT story:

Glad to see my alma mater taking this seriously. I'll take integrity over a winning football team any day (which is good, given that we have had two winning seasons in the past 30 years. But 95% of our football team graduates!)

"The well-being of our students is of paramount concern to us, and we will not tolerate any actions that threaten student safety and security."

Oh, you know Republicans... always trying to keep government small (enough to get all up in your uterus)... That's just the way they are.

This is a little to one side, but I'm suddenly curious:

I think this is a fairly common tactic among good parents. My SIL, who is a great mom, did something similar recently. We were at a restaurant and waiting for a table (never a good idea with two toddlers, but oh well they wanted to do it). While we were outside waiting for our buzzer to go off, her 4-year-old hauled