
I (as a fairly recent graduate) don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect a weekly check-in, but I wouldn’t frame it as “because we’re paying” but rather “I want to make sure my only child is alive and well.” My mom and I had a deal that worked great for us: I called at least once a week to chat for however long I had

Especially if the picking out is done while strategically already in a bed with little to no clothing on, and an easily movable laptop. I also discovered it’s a great way to turn on the sexytimes from afar (think skype).

Hey, you’re from my town! (I actually thought it might be an urban legend for a sec when I saw your post, since I haven’t been home in a while, but this confirms that we’re just from the same strange, strange largeish suburb).

All I can say is Oh. My. God. I have 17 cousins and I couldn’t even manage to pull that many party members together if I tried. But I’m from the Left Coast, so any southerners in attendance at mine will just have to accept the fact that I never joined a sorority. (Honestly, though, my fiance’s family is totally

I’m a barista, so it’s a little different because we tip-pool instead of individually getting tips, but our general manager is awesome like that too. She works the floor all the time, including being on the register (the only one making contact with people as they have their money out), and it’s a rule that we never

I mean, it’s kind of weird, but more for my mom than me. I know exactly who I’m talking about. Her problem is that she can’t read my mind.

I’m actually seriously considering this problem for myself right now since I just got engaged, and I’ve come to the answer of “legally be Ms. Rose for professional stuff (I’m a writer, and my fiance is also a writer, and I don’t want to be in the same situation as Stephen King’s wife, who you didn’t know was also a

I too just spent 10 minutes looking at that (after reading that you wished you hadn’t...yeah, I’m dumb sometimes) and he’s also a crazy anti-vax nut, in addition to being a person with too much time on his hands.

No, better. He made me a 3-D board! complete with snowy mountains and derpy tiny sheep! (there’s one in the middle of a road, which seems appropriately derpy for a sheep). And then he changed the Chapel card to say “Proposal—marry the one you love.” No ring because I get to pick my own out (I wanted a say in a piece

I would love to do candles for my wedding (that I’m now planning, because we’re engaged now (he did it with a Settlers of Catan board!!!), partially because I’m allergic to flowers and my mom is allergic to everything that grows in the sun, seems like, except I once caught my hair on fire on the altar of my church

Pasta and stuffed mushrooms as the main dish for the rest of my life sounds amazing! ( I did figure out that you meant the complaining would last forever, not the pasta and mushrooms, but I want the pasta and mushrooms to be true so badly)

I personally buy from Amazon because I live in a small town and don’t have a car. I would LOVE to go to a barnes and noble for my books, because then I’d get to see everything there is, but the only one is a 2 hour bus ride from my house. If I had a car, it’d be 10 minutes. But a recent grad with 20,000 in debt

Dude, how are you making more than burger flippers doing shelving?(not that I think shelving is bad or stupid or not worth more, just jealous.) I used to shelve for a university library and made $7.25/hour. My barista job pays more than that. I want to work at your library.

I know people, who live in WASHINGTON STATE (sorry for the yelling but it makes me all the crazies), who pronounce their very own state as “warshington.” I want to remove them from state, they can go live in Oregon and call it Or-eh-gohne or Or-eh-gone (for clarification, the first syllable is the only one that should

I just wanted to tell you, because I think you will enjoy this: I save your podcasts to listen to while cleaning, because they inspire me to clean, and really, if I haven’t finished a room by the time your half-hour or so show is over, I need to speed the fuck up and/or clean up after myself so I don’t have to spend

My mom has two golden retrievers, and she calls them her wookies because of the way they talk to each other and her. When she’s not claiming they’re mine (A common theme in our conversations: Guess what your dogs did now?). One also sings—like, she legit hits different notes kind of sings—especially when she smells

I was just wondering if you knew whether Daiya would also be a trigger? His mom and sister both have this problem, I wasn’t doubting it’s a thing. He misses peanut butter. He would eat them if they didn’t make him feel like death. I’ve known about, and avoided, these triggers for 4 1/2 years, just saw an opportunity

So I have a cheese question for you: My boyfriend gets migraines (not anaphylaxis, just wishing for it) from eating cheese, chocolate, peanut butter, and a few fruits that all have the same chemical in them. (I have basically just described my eating habits). However, American cheese (product) does not have that

Okay, super strange question, just from curiosity. Have you ever had white salmon? Sometimes king salmon is white inside because of something to do with fat (all I know is it’s 17 times more delicious than red king salmon, and king salmon is delicious to begin with). Just curious. I wouldn’t blame you if you had no

I haven’t given up on it yet, but it’s looking like face shit other than eyes/lips ain’t happening for me. My skin freaks out when I do anything beyond wash it with cold water. Also, hairstyles other than ponytails/half up, because my hair is so fucking thin and straight it won’t hold a curl/stay in a braid. Hell,