That could work, but then why was she found by the coast guard?
That could work, but then why was she found by the coast guard?
Now we need a spinoff following the exploits of the hypercompetent Coast Guard captain finding bodies left and right off the Alaskan shore in horrible conditions.
Pretty simple actually: stage car crash near frozen water, imply that Hank started to walk for help and fell through the ice. Body likely never gets found, so no need to explain bullet hole. Also, if the body eventually does get found, Danvers would be in charge of the investigation anyway.
They didn’t say “he died in a car accident,” they said “he had an accident.” The plan is to make it look like Hank shot Otis and was going to dump the body, but he fell in through the ice instead (like Navarro almost did earlier in the episode, which is how she got the idea).
And finding a body that fell into the sea…
Please tell us about your decades of TV industry experience so we can compare.
This dick picked an appropriate moniker, at least.
Criterion Channel probably fits the bill to an extent but I’m sure there are still tons of old / classic movies they don’t have.
I hope you’re deeply ashamed that you misspelled your dog’s name.
I barely watch Netflix at all anymore. Most of their originals have settled into bland mediocrity, the few shows that pop DO get cancelled early with great frequency and their library content sucks.
I thought “motherfuckers” was the second in a list of categories there.
Meanwhile The Criterion Channel has been absolutely kicking everyone’s ass up, down, and sideways with their truly inventive topical curation of late. Cat films, motherfuckers, I’m a talking a whole section of big-mood cat films. It’s great.
My barbershop is also a for-profit company doing business because it wants to make money. When my barber picks up the mirror after cutting my hair, I tend to just say my hair looks good, without falling into a pissy little lecture about capitalism.
Even more annoying is the lack of research or context: Netflix has carried older movies this whole time, and while the 1974 movies are new to it right now they’ve carried them previously. Netflix has been cycling old movies in and out since time immemorial. The news is the actual *section* highlighting these movies.
I curse them
There is a video on YouTube that directly and blatantly plagiarizes your article. You should do something about that.
I think the show is saying something about how the world doesn’t want people like Asher, who out of the three leads seems to be the only one who genuinely wants to be good and puts in the work to be a better person, whereas Dougie and Whitney are ultimately more concerned with appearing good than doing good.
I literally never comment on the internet but… no. Tundra ecosystems do in fact exist elsewhere in the United States than just Alaska 😅
If only he was “Dave Tillman” and not “Roy.”
Like there’s nothing wrong with your personal preference, but the ridiculous “We’ll see who lasts longer” is so small-minded and petty. Both are going to exist in perpetuity dummy, you’ll always have the choice between both experiences unless society collapses.
I really like Thunderdome, but in a way it does seem different than the other Mad Max films. For me it is more of a fantasy story than the dystopian, post-apocalypse story that the others were.