
It is incredible the lack of awareness of both the day-to-day operations and the business side while investing sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars into something they haven’t even researched?! They have some weirdly romantic notion about the title of ownership and little else. 

Tabitha, like Gordon, exposed how many people get into a business with no idea how to financially manage it, and/or do not take into account the everyday difficulty, while having some dreamy idea of what being an owner/manager entails!?

I do like the Tacos now and again, but the best thing about JITB is they are kind of various and sundry with their options. Lots of breakfast items, as well as the burgers, the grilled sandwiches, tacos, various chicken items—you can find something you like most times of the day. I used to love their Fajita Pita for a

Tuning in Tokyo is hilarious! I thought maybe she had two half unripe cantaloupes nailed on a board under that dress.

“My keys are...wait, I haven’t driven since that last DUI?!

Showtime? They have no problem running (what seemed like) 85 seasons of Shameless, and running countless other series into the ground, but this Doc is not interesting enough? Perhaps trying to make some back deal with CK? Or merger has them hacking content as fast as Max? I was thinking it would be interesting to see,

Well she got a little worked up, did you see him? He was pawing her like he was looking for a lost pack of Nicorette under her dress around her poorly implanted chi-chis.

He has a lot of respect and a long writing resume; his is the one show I honestly miss during this strike.

Evan Adams DOES need a series ( He is a Deputy Chief Medical Officer in Canada for First Nation Health Authority) but I am not picky whether it would be a new premise, a reality based series based on his current profession or a Thomas Builds-The-Fire continuation.

Anthony Jeselnik has a line (paraphrased) that the biggest tragedy of 9/11 was Dennis Miller’s comedy career. 

Big Bowl Of Wrong. Meyers to me is the one who can do it all— run a show, write, perform and is not easily shook. Great staff, deep bench. Has a lot of friends in and out of the “bizness” and his A Closer Look is the one thing desperately missing through all the headlines right now.

The pronunciation was a toothache level pain for me. TACK-HOES—after Hollywood was with Marcela Valladolid, I am sure the word came up at some point for reference. 

Yeah your instance is legit--if you are not a user and suddenly startled to hear a voice at a strange place while in a deep sleep, announce the time... “Uh, is she announcing my TOD so the coroner will have an accurate depiction?” But people who have the device on whisper mode should not be as alarmed.

Aha—-Well, even if I don’t agree, I can’t argue with your perception. I feel the same way about Oliver Stone—he has to bludgeon you with every point to an insulting degreee, and even if the content and the story is sound, his lack of subtlety ruins almost every one of his films for me. Why say it once when 1700

Not at all, especially on the big screen—it was a sight to see... A film which resonated then, and still holds up well decades later. Beautifully lensed, artfully directed, with an emotional bend towards the human condition for good or for bad. Will never not be a film of width and breadth. The year 1989--it stands

Well I know what you are saying, and I do not disagree with the State Of The AV Clu—-er, I mean the“We may earn a commission from links on this page” site. Their bench is weak—they don’t have the journalistic bandwidth for a serious drama. J: C P shows up on Tuesdays and I watch it then because I can’t wait, but it is

I agree with you on two points... It IS hard to copy Anderson, and Amsterdam was an indulgent, seemingly endless and confusing mess of a star-laden plot, but I wouldn’t consider it “blah”. However, David O Russell, with a decades-long film career,  is his own thang (for good or for bad)—and has no interest in being an

I started bringing the Chai with vanilla to work (ICU nurse surrounded by coffee addicts), and now I have several converts--many didn’t realize how warm and comforting (and delicious!) the spice blend can be.. 

West coast here, with a remote observation. I am confused about what sounds like someone being very hungry while getting gas and desperate for something hot to eat, rather than a true suggestion for  low-end but good grub. Wow, nothing really looked or sounded tasty, maybe the Pepperoni roll since it was crispy and

Aha--someone who understands the concept of living well!