
I vote for new thoughts/ideas/characters/behaviors/plotlines. I agree—reboots do incorporate a lot of nostalgia but the smart ones bring in new stuff for a fresh perspective. But people go nuts if not same=same. Of course even though there are countless options of stories in the galaxy, 45+ years later we are still

I could take or leave PSL, a co-worker is obsessed and brings one for each of us, I will drink it, no worries. But I love Eggnog lattes—do not cut my Nog with milk. I love Eggnog without coffee too.. Some years they have a syrup instead of the actual dairy product and it tastes horrific. Some years they don’t have it

The looks Nadja gave to the camera, not to mention her sideways mouth face were Emmy gold! GOLD I SAY!

I set up a smart TV in another room and looked around without being signed in and it was terrible, just dreadful, with a bunch of stuff they tried to shove at me, influencers and unrelated odd theorists and commentary, plus compilation videos of things like “Best Fails”... Nope, I like my signed-in, forever-evolving-ta

I was planning to watch this mostly because of The Shat, but forgot all about it. Is there anything worth catching up on? Couldn’t be much in terms of prize money or incentive to stay if they are all jumping ship!? Not really sure why Winter and Armstrong were clashing, maybe generally snarky? 

If he seems too true to be good, he probably is..

Love the music, all kinds of interesting new (& old) stuff. I have so much fun watching these episodes—very relaxing and happy taking my time going on a journey wherever the road takes these characters. 

Loved how this episode zigged-zagged without an obvious ending—I didn’t know what would happen. I have to say, if I was in the same place as Nadja, I would be out of that body as soon as Colin jumped in. Any episode with Laszlo out and about, is a good episode, really enjoyed watching Berry strut on the beach.

I do not like Greene Dregs and Ham, I do not like her noxious sham.

Damn though, the beard incident could have been a mess, glad it didn’t go to the bone! The saw accident could have been a good lawsuit though...

I imagine you and others have seen this guy on TikTok donatodecaprio3Donato —He does a bunch of different sandwiches in Italia (I think he is in Napoli..) “With Crumbs or Without” Con mollica o senza ·. My GAWD the bread and cheeses and meats and various/sundry condiments this guy puts together, makes my Paisana mouth

You were directly insulting, I was speculative. Aggressive about—A TV sketch show? Get help. Soon.

Wasn’t an insult at ALL—just a highly surprised observation, as you yourself said you watch the show, seemed odd as it is 25% of the content. As for whatever trauma you are referring to, in case you weren’t aware I am not a member of the Psychic Network. I didn’t know your circumstances and not interested in

You forgot about musical guests? That is a genuine lack of attention to detail. There is nothing else to fill this unique blend of a live sketch show and hasn’t been for years. No nostalgia, I don’t go on and on about how it was so much better “back then” and how the older casts are better than any current ones, and

I think of all the talent it has brought us over decades, reaching across film and TV and live acts, etc., while showcasing musical offerings, influencing elections, allowing to see the comic side of some of the biggest entertainers and unknown new finds around the world. Every season from the first has had good

Guillermo del Toro loves his monsters and I love all his original ideas over the years but in particular casting Charlie Day as a scientist was a flashbang of inspiration. The film holds up a decade later.

Just had a guy in the ER, partying at a friend’s house, took some pill someone offered him, started feeling like he was “falling into a dark hole”, realized he was in trouble and Narcan’d himself—saved his own life! This guy was older too, just wanted to have a good time but it was almost his last time!

People always putting down SNL. Do you hate watch it or are just going by a 15 year old memory? Who else is doing a LIVE sketch and variety show? It been running for 48 years, going on 49. I find something funny on it all the time, thought Pedro Pascal and Quinta Brunson were standouts as well as Megan Thee Stallion

Wow that is legit nuts! You couldn’t possibly have rooms on the billboard side of the building, the sheer wattage would drive you full tilt Bozo. How selfish and rude, I mean that thing is creating a lens flare 12 miles away!? 

Several co-workers have hit on the outdoor pizza oven craze, both woodfire and gas, but only a small percentage understand the molecular particulars of a good crust, with most neglecting to make it on the thinner side. Worse, the loading of the toppings, both by weight and category—-simple is better. As you say....