
As a nurse, and also a gal who used to get a lot of UTIs, here’s a (very frank) list of things that may help you UTI prone folk, and some other infos:

And, just to be clear, G&C are infections that can live in just about any mucous membrane environment (eyes, throat, urethra, bladder, vagina, rectum) - and can cause inflammation/infection to any of those areas - but even if it’s making it hurt when you pee, it’s not considered to be UTI.

Uh, no. Nope. I’m a primary care nurse, and if he gave you an “asymptomatic” infection, it would be something along the lines of chlamydia, or gonorrhoea. There’s pretty much no such thing as an “asymptomatic urinary tract infection”. That’s just not a thing. Men get UTIs, too, but just not as commonly, as their

Nope, they’re not. My best friend is an anti-vaxxer. Her kid’s not vaccinated for tetanus - she maintains that it’s not an issue because they don’t live on a farm (where ruminant faeces is a vector). The (fortunately few) antivaxxer parents in the family practice that I work at haven’t vaccinated their kids for

I dunno. Maybe it’s just me, but I seem to notice that a lot of nascent activists/feminists/radicals at the college and university level seem to have difficulties with prioritizing actions. It’s like “okay, I’ve been to some workshops, I’ve learned this whole new lexicon, I’ve recently become aware of this giant

Things I have learned: since acetaminophen is not an NSAID (which ibuprofen is), they have no interactions. You don’t have to swap them off, if you’re using both for a double dose of painkiller. You can take both concomitantly, or you can stack them (i.e. one right now, and the other two hours later). It’s also worth

I believe it’s “brunet”. The extra -te is what makes the adjective female. Of course, you can call yourself what you like.

Iris Dement! Allison Krauss! KD Lang! Kitty Wells! Patty Loveless! Lucinda Williams, goddamnit!

I know a family whose kid built a chemical bomb of some kind a couple of years ago, using regular house-hold products. It didn’t go off as expected, so he went back to have a look. Now the kid is blind, but survived it, although it was pretty touch and go for a bit. So terribly, terribly sad.

Ah, sorry for your luck! Pro tip for intramuscular injections (Td, flu shots): massage/rub the site to be injected vigorously for 10-15 seconds just prior to the needle poke. It takes the sting right out of the needle.

MMR is typically considered to be lifelong as I understand it. On occasion people need re-immunizing as adults (when bloodwork shows waned non-immune status), but it seems most folks don't. I think folks who're born before 1970 are typically considered to be immune via exposure (they won't have been vaccinated, in

Hm. What else did you need? I mean, up here in Ontario, you need a Td booster every ten years. Depending on your age, and what you've previously been vaccinated for, you also need a 1 time booster dose of pertussis, and possibly one of polio if you ever travel to interesting countries where wild-type polio is active.

Yes, it was run. And MMRII covers all wild-type strains - measles is pretty stable as far as viruses go, it's not like influenza. Here's some reading to get you started:…

I don't know about the States, but in Canada, children have the right to determine the course their own medical care, as long as they're considered legally competent to do so by their own medical team, regardless of age. In very complicated cases this requires whole panels of people to decide if the kid is competent,

When I was 25, I started to grow a bit of a lady 'stache. So, I did what any normal person would do, and went to the Shopper's to buy me some wax. I have sensitive skin. I followed the directions, and the 'stache did indeed wax off. Unfortunately, it was replaced by a moustache of teeny-tiny little pus-filled pimples

Eh. Forget Annie Lennox. Everyone knows that Nina Simone did the best version of Strange Fruit besides Billie.

I've had some interesting roommates. My first roommate was just a little bonkers, prone to disappearing on 4-day-long bingo benders, and returning with many furby dolls to decorate the kitchen (purchased with her bingo winnings). The tenth roommate was verbally and emotionally abusive, but ended up joining the Twelve

I tutor anatomy for first-year nursing students, on occasion, and make them draw and redraw all the bits of both sexes until they have completely memorized geography and function. "What is the process of sperm formation called? It's called - anybody? spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis occurs in the - anybody?

I'm 35. I had my first solo orgasm at 14, lost my virginity at 16, and didn't have an orgasm with my boyfriend or anyone else until I was 25 (while continuing to orgasm solo on average once a day for those nine years). That magical night, at 25, was the night that I was drunk enough to a) relax, and b) let loose with

I remember thinking at the time, when I heard the interview air, that BBT was high on drugs. It just didn't scan, you know? Watching this interview, it makes me think again, that Billy Bob was higher than a fucking kite, and has a personality disorder to boot. It's like watching Clash of the Nutcases. "How long have