Nunya Beeswax

Why does it say "AV Club" above someone's tumblr?

"Have you ever tried our sausages?"

That should be New Sterling Draper and Pryce.

Where exactly are words like "merde," "baiser," "pisser," or "cul" acceptable in polite conversation?

Are you referring to your grandma that aided and abetted your dad in murdering your grandpa?

And of "resonate" when used to refer to non-acoustic phenomena.

Except that Fr Lantom is giving a pop-cult Elaine Pagels-ized version of the origin of Satan. The "adversary" observation is true as long as we're talking about the Old Testament, but it's fairly clear in the New Testament that when Satan or "diabolos" is referred to, he is indeed the rebel angel and enemy of

You don't get much more low-church than Huldrych Zwingli, yet he believed in Mary's perpetual virginity—as did Luther. Even Calvin said that the doctrine couldn't be disproved by scripture.

When we say "Spanish" we're talking about a cultural complex that comprises Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and Arab influences. The Arab/Maghrebi stuff is already built into Spain, as it were.

He actually seems to be more a fan of dire early-70s soft rock. One of his Not a Blog entries rhapsodizes, unironically, over Looking Glass' 1972 hit "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)".

Of course, the band's name is a riff on Silmarillion, so…

*clutches pearls*

Judging from most of the other contenders, sanity is a purely optional (perhaps cosmetic) requirement.

Fair enough. Although it was really a deposition in all but name; yes, he abandoned the throne, but it was because an army was coming to depose and possibly execute him.

Uh, no.

Can we not use the Argumentum ab Sady Doyle ("You know what *else* isn't real? Dragons!")? Mostly because I'm not sure it makes a point.

Their first album was good, but now they suck.

Not all that much. She still perjures herself in order to get him condemned to death, and (to add insult to injury) she's still screwing his dad.

You're dignifying his response by calling it an intellectual argument. It isn't; it's an emotional appeal disguised as an intellectual argument.

From the future : Good God, are you over-interpreting.