
@givepass: The first dragon age game also had a flash-based game that would unlock in-game items for you. Was actually pretty nice imo

@Stem_Sell: The internet is no place for facts!! Blahblahblah McDonald's is evil! Blahblahblah The Gov't is always right! Blahblahblah Think of the children!

@jinchoung: regardless - "i DO believe that there is a not insignificant number of people who are too stupid to participate.

@Brdf: If you are a fiscal conservative and social liberal, sounds more like you fit the bill of a libertarian, in which case vote libertarian and get rid of this BS two party system.

@MrGOH: Yeah, the farther left or right you get, the more they start to look the same and all, eventually, lead to totalitarianism.

@Mink_Car: Just to note, this doesn't apply strictly to M-rated games, but games that fall under the arbitrary label of 'violent'

@szrimaging: Yeah, House was what I've been mostly paying attention to.

@Drive-by troll: Although, it could also drive them to vote individual issues more often, instead of throwing in a tax increase on oil companies into an unemployment extension and other BS like that. "Gee, you know what would go good with this healtchare? Building a zoo in the middle of Iowa*"

@SkipErnst: Also Libertarian here. Was happy to see third parties winning out in my district for representatives as of 11:30 this morning (G-43%, L-42%, D-8%, R-7%)

@JakeMG:Voting Advocate: Hearted also by me. An informed voter is much more legit than a party-line voter in my eyes.

@szrimaging: As of about 11:30 am today, Green party was leading my district with 43% of votes and Libertarian with 42%. the Dems and Repubs had 8% and 7% respectively in a district that is historically very blue (Flint, MI area)

@lpranal: Did your unemployment rate actually go down or is it from people who stopped being counted for it because they were no longer receiving unemployment. Half the time those numbers are rather off of what is really going on because of the way they count unemployment.

@Super Chill English Bro: So, you're saying you waited for HTC to push 2.1 for the Hero as opposed to just rooting and installing a better, custom rom?

@interrogator_chaplain: Basically, nothing should be entering a cell with the antibody, so if anything but the antibody enters the cell with the antibody, it will be eliminated regardless of what it looks like.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: I know, right? It's so easy to be like "Well, this one is $2, might as well get it for myself and these 7 other people I know"

@ZFK: I just finally saw it last night, as well. I agree, it was pretty good.

@arionfrost: Definitely steam sale...I come out with 20 new games and an empty wallet. Totally worth it

@Brian Crecente: This! If this law gets passed, you can almost count on Wal-Mart and other chain retailers taking any games considered too violent off the shelves in any states with similar laws, or in all states just to keep corporate consistency for all of their stores.

@TheSolarKnight: I know, that is also one of my concerns...Super Smash Bros and Mario could be on the ban list.