

Wouldn't have happened if it was Windows 8 Tablet...Ha! Now what?

Because doing what you want with the hardware you own is a crime...maybe you should see what his hacking forays were before lumping him in with criminal hacking activities...

What was she doing to them? Everyone I know, including myself, that has an OG Droid beats the shit out of them (hardware and software) and they still work great to this day...Either a string of bad luck or something

Here is a nice Ars article that discusses why developers probably need to freak out less...As a .NET developer, I'm not worried one bit and look forward to leveraging the latest stuff.


"Tmobile is the ONLY provider at $75 a month for this and who does not gouge for data tethering"

@IndustrialJones Many times, there are hackers that do this and the information is disregarded by the companies until shit like this spat of lulz happens...and then they play it off like they didn't know. You act like corporations will ever hold themselves accountable for their actions, or inaction as it were.

All I have to add is this...

You should really be hating the developers of this crap that decided a GET request was the best way to determine what account should be viewed at the moment. Anybody who has studied web development for a week should know this...

You may want to check out gitbash or msysgit then, as /c/path/to/file is exactly how it works by default. I used to real big on cygwin and ended up moving over to msysgit after i found out about it. check it out: []

In addition to the method above for multimonitor aero snap, you can also use windows key+left/right arrow to snap to the sides. For multi monitors, you can continue windows+right to move one half at a time until you run into the far right of your monitors and vice versa.

Use XNA Game Studio, provided free from microsoft, and run through their site for coming up to speed:

Because that is how consumers work...

I knew stumbleupon had a greater purpose than just helping me procrastinate...

I found that it really comes down to figuring out which class you do the best with to really learn the game...I used to get destroyed all the time when I first started playing (had trouble lasting more than a minute). I started out using a soldier under somebodies recommendation as a good class to start with,

The only thing that I've found comparable in price is the comics/graphic novels at Borders. So, the local Borders is lucky we don't have a good comic book store in the area

Bought it for PC on steam for $10...No freezing and a mass of mods to pretty up the textures and such. Definitely agree with DocSeuss...