
@FartSponge: And then there was all of the stuff the govt confiscated after his many patents...

@Torokun: I see VFX going first just because it is tied more closely with the already unionized Hollywood.

@Odin: I always used the side of a wrench for a sort of works...

@Odin: Dell 15" laptop for ~$600? Done...

@Odin: I went with a 15" laptop off the bat 4 years ago and have never regretted it. Decent screen real estate and still a decent size to carry around.

@timgray: My 4 year old Dell E1505 would like to have a word with you...

@Charonchan: 4th spatial dimension, more commonly referred to as the 5th dimension (time does = 4th)

@Gameslaya: Think of it as a shadow or a cross section of a true 4D hypercube

@enaero: Loved this book...This plus flatland plus cosmos made for a good summer of mind blowing concepts...

@Jon: I also highly recommend Carl's Cosmos is a fantastic read.

@desheffer: Yes, that is the case..Ohio allows them to be sold, but any place you buy them in Ohio requires you to sign a paper saying you will be taking them out of Ohio within 24 hours.

@buddhathing: Holy Crap!! I forgot this came out! I'm sorry wallet, but some things are necessary...

@lostarchitect: I was just thinking about this the other day...I dropped my droid from about shoulder height the other day, accidentally. Landed face down on concrete...I winced, picked it up and it was fine =] No case needed

@Vanilla-Terror: I've been tempted by the Nook lately at $149...tried one in store the other day and liked it a bunch. Have yet to try a kindle though...

@RAGE QUITTER: I think you'd be surprised at how many people think Begins was better than Dark Knight

@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: They think this is the correct response for a couple reasons. 1.) the general public is DUMB and will be tricked by a software update that tells them their signal strength is actually fine and 2.) there are a lot of apple fanboys out there (who don't actually look into things