
This is my new favorite gif.

Let’s try this again. J.Lo’s hanging with him?

He probably doesn’t remember a time before all they aired was reality shows! *wipes tear*

“we will work vigorously within FIFA in order to root out any misconduct”

I agree with Cher, Pinterest is the worst.
I do a lot of non-standard baking (gf, paleo, low-carb, etc.) and whenever I’m searching for recipes with google pinterest comes up and TRICKS me.
I do not want to look at PICTURES of cookies, I want to look at the recipes, and the majority of the time the recipes are not

He really wanted to hit both ends of the revenge spectrum- a minor annoyance and death.

I wonder if he’ll be In-N-Out of jail anytime soon.

I would have loved to have talked to that guy about how In-n-Out gets pretty good reviews on paying better wages than other fast food places, how they do tend to promote from within, and that it’s not the end of the world to work some minimum wage at 23 (even with a degree) so you can gain perspective when you’re

“I have never been more attracted to you in my entire life.”

-clips his toenails in the bathroom over a garbage can.

I won't hold the TV producer to a very high standard either.

That was the least erotic video involving a massive Dong and an equally massive pair of breasts that I’ve ever watched.

And full credit to NBC and CBS for whatever they did so they had access to everything.

I consider myself a very rational, levelheaded person, but by the end of that Top 10 list I was about 30% convinced Andy Kaufman was going to deliver number 1.

This was a great moment strictly for Dave’s admiration for Peyton.

I for one am experiencing some severe hair envy, among other things.

As a truly casual basketball fan who only watches the playoffs, I enjoyed reading that. And the Harden vs. Pablo Prigioni video showed me what skills the best players have. I mean for my untrained eyes it seemed like perfect defense. And yet he made the three seemingly without effort.

Why thank you. Oh, and your basketball writing is some of the best on the net.

I get where you’re coming from, but I think this is different. This isn’t public outrage or a mismanaged player’s union or a botched suspension challenging the league, it’s one of its own sources of power: the ownership. The only way Goodell goes away is if the owners tell him to fuck off, and the owner of a premier

The only advertising allowed is a small poster of a sunglasses wearing Jay Cutler by the cash register at 7-11, with the Surgeon Generals’ warning at the bottom.