
I’ve compared the NFL to the big tobacco companies before. Everybody knows they make a fucked up product but it doesn’t matter because people can’t stop using it, and they know it. Get hooked at a young age, enjoy partaking while in the moment, feel like shit later, swear you’ll quit, cave and come back for more,

Way off. He had multiple big hits. It’s the multiple times he whacked Phoebe Cates’ head on their headboard.

Ok, I’m going to wax philosophical for a moment here. Maybe just maybe in the grand scheme of things historically, 20 or 40 years from now what’s remembered from the Kardashian clans run in the collective consciousness is how they brought trans issues into a greater public awareness with loving acceptance. I could be

I’m no soccer expert but I think Villa is conceding too Mane.

Was going to say the same thing. Benihana has a lot to answer for, teaching Americans that Japanese cooking is some kind of circus act.

“Fucked an intern, then tried to shed her, man
Till she blackmailed you for cheddar, man...”


Polish American Football League isn’t exactly the sport played at its highest level,

How long can you keep human meat in a freezer? I’m asking for a friend...

Counterpoint (not that I disagree with anything here): If your writing strongly appeals to readers ages 18-25, and no one older than that, that does not automatically make you a shitty writer.

Hate to burst your anti-Red-State anodynity, but you DO know that Cowherd considers himself a liberal and staunch Democrat, right?

I don’t know what a “Pinterest styled” shopping site means... is this some specified styling model/standard? I think any site that is designed with a responsive layout should work on the smallest screen.

Since I will never be able to draw like him... I want to print this out.


If you want to see how this is likely done look up a movie: Tim’s Vermeer. You just need the right tools.

Have you wondered what it’s like to get fucked by the Apple Watch?

Leitch would honestly be GREAT for this position.

I love the takedown of Brooks, but holy shit, that photo up top deserves every award possible.

I’m sure they are working on a Superbowl commercial based on this concept right now. Starring the NFLs coterie of domestic abusers! They just GOTTA have a slice! Touchdown!

I wonder if she got the idea from that domestic violence commercial where the woman calls 911 and pretends to order a pizza.