
Its a damn shame that the price of specialized software is so high, but the more useless apps out there are ad supported.

Seriously I understand not having the money to buy a better stadium but how bout just some common sense to put some padding on the wall. Its like, 1 meter away from the boundary. Put some old beds against there who cares. Not like its going to diminish the look of the place.

Yup. The Nazi lover threatened to withdraw funding and had the racist logo placed in thousands of areas in the arena, including carved into the granite, so it would be prohibitively expensive to remove. The rink is privately owned with UND teams as tenants.

Yeah, that and the donor (Ralph Engelstad) plastered the logo over every damn inch of the place, which is basically a mini NHL-caliber arena. You almost have to tear the arena down to remove the logo. But he was hardly alone among those who wanted to keep the name. (It should be noted that the school got permission

That’s not fair, Barry. Those Russian goals were worth twice as much before the sanctions.

They didn’t say it would be a good answer.

That second gif is amazing. Thank you for your dedication to always pay it forward with the best gifs

I think even more simply, we need to have an ROI for war, not just in dollars, but lives. We’ve had about 7k service members killed in Iraq/Afghanistan, I don’t even have a figure on other service injured/maimed, but probably closer to 100k, somewhere in the range of 200K civilians killed and untold casualties, spent

I have worked for the Army as a contractor and a civ and have been on post for almost 15yrs doing my best to support soldiers. I can honestly say that our military, once on mission, is an implacable force impossible to stop. Unfortunately the infrastructure that supports it and the command structure that tasks it is

Fallow’s article, “The Tragedy of the American Military” in The Atlantic certainly is a must-read on this subject. For what it’s worth I think he’s bang on.

Thetans. Just like, shitloads of thetans.

I love the idea of an unauthorized biography.

Uncle Mike - I think you said it very well. We have no defined role for our military other than to respond to the political whims of our elected leaders, and it is clear (at least to me and Uncle Mike) that they don't know what the hell they are doing and haven't learned a thing from history. Consequently we are

“Threat assessment is something military leadership is supposed to do in collaboration with civilian leadership, and we positively suck at it.”

I’m staring at this gif and listening to the song and they’re PERFECT together.

I like the cut of your jib.

The soft bigotry of low expectations. Perhaps one day coaches’ kids will finally get the respect they deserve.

Oh I have a LIST of questions for when I finally get my Q&A session with God. Starting with WHY EXACTLY it is necessary for a baby in the womb to be given direct access to kick a pregnant ladies bladder. There are a lot of things I’m going to need explanations for frankly.

The minister at my church gave an AMAZING sermon a year or so ago on the exact same Bible verse they quoted in the show (about dressing in other gender's clothing, etc) and how it related to the trans community. There's much belief that its a passage about being true to one's self...don't be someone you aren't, be