
Problem with that for me is avoiding spoilers, really, especially if something is popular. When Daredevil was dropping all eps at once on Netflix, I found myself pushing hard to binge them all and get through them before I could have important plot moments ruined by the “red circle thumbnail” brigade on various sites.

I want the police to be less superpowered than in V.

Thank you for the answer - it sounds like a stupidly unnecessary, but at least do-able way of approaching it.

One of my biggest bugbears with it is the (imo) unnecessary grind required to unlock even basic fun things.

I didn’t know it existed until this article, to be perfectly honest. I’m so out of the loop!

Maybe a UK v US difference. Pretty much everyone I know calls it Sellotape here (Scotland) - have never heard anyone actually reference “Scotch Tape” by name that I can recall.

Tbh, I see folk calling her “Jedi’ as just colloquial shorthand for “force user” as “Jedi” is all that most people know.

T6 is such a dull name for such a cool ship.

Yeah, I feel like Steppenwolf was utterly pointless and really should just have been big Chonky himself.

Ironically, I wish Dune WOULD have a Director’s Cut with an extra hour or so - there needed to be more, imo, of why Paul Atreides is so dangerous. The Prana Bindu training from his mother, his grasp of statecraft (the famous banquet scene, which I think they actually did film?), etc. Some more time with him and the

I’d like to see GdT do God Emperor. He’s one of the few out there I really think would do the concept justice.

One question: what sort of droid name is Huyang? Is there a reason/story for him having a (for lack of a better term) non-roboty name?

Just back from the cinema, having seen this, and loved it, but I do have to take exception to this:

I really want the text-less one, but I imagine it’ll be gone by the time I hit refresh on the page!

That cranks up the expectation for frenetic comedy a notch higher than I already had it. Woot!

Agreed. It's like when people clamoured for a sequel to District 9 - that movie was such a great standalone story that any sequel would be far more likely to diminish it than bolster it.

I think you really have to include FAWS as a dropped ball as well, especially the way in which they had the leader of the opposition go from well-meaning and principled to “blow up a building of innocents” as they realised she wasn’t coming across as ‘baddie’ enough due to actually having fairly justifiable

I feel like there needed to be some sort of plot-failsafe built into this stuff. A brief bit of dialogue between Fury and Falstaff with him saying “But the DNA is impure/corrupted/diluted” or similar, and therefore either has a sort of time-limited factor where it’ll last only a short time without top-ups from the

It’s a real shame Mendelsohn and Coleman didn’t get to do a full episode or two working with one another. Talk about your missed opportunities.

I know that being a whip-smart cookie isn’t necessarily part and parcel of being President anymore, but by god did the President in this come across as the biggest, worst kind of dumb-ass ever. Like just a complete moron.