Number Five is Alive

to be fair, all ad-supported sites are in desperation with the amount advertisers/ad networks are willing to pay for ads nowadays...  it ain’t just this site.

Or, more appropriately, INTO the water. An Oldsmobile isn’t a boat, as was once famously discovered in 1969.

Eww, Coppola actually gave Voight a job/role?  Gross. 

Wait til you see the cleaning fees.

Yep. I mis-placed that one. 

I’m sure StalePhish will be along shortly to educate us simpletons.

Man, whodathunk electing religious nutjobs would have consequences?!

Multiple things can intersect and be true at once if you consider the history at play here.

You and that editor should probably figure out how Gandhi’s name is spelled.

I did watch the show as a kid and am just now learning they had last names

I mixed up the names and it slipped by an editor. Sorry! this has been fixed.

Minus ten points from Gryffindor!

seems like a job for an editor!

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

I have a friend who was swearing you could light the barrels if you picked them up and roll them at enemies. He was trying for a few moments before I helped with a well placed shot, at which point he exploded. We laughed for a solid few minutes then in the midst of our laughing got overrun unexpectedly and had to

You somehow managed to misspell the name of the subject of the article at least 50% of the time. Congrats.

I, a middle aged cis-het, have been getting so annoyed by the expanding use of “giving” in this context - primarily as another example of wider culture coopting black and queer language but also because it sounds super dumb to my ears - until I read this comment thread and am horrified by how fucking silly I sound

Somebody gotta give Levi the boot lol He wrote that “giving” shit in this headline too.
Edit: Levi strikes again

Haahahaha!! Well said!!

Thank you. I didn’t realize this was bad new internet slang. Just chalked it up to the horrific editing (?) across all of these blogs.