Number Five is Alive

The screenshot is attributed to Sony / Marvel / Kotaku. Presumably, that means Mike captured it himself while playing. If you read his review carefully, you would know that he played the PS4 version of the game. I’m in no way suggesting that the PS5 version will feature markedly improved rendering of faux fur, but the

Just popping in to say that I like your username and thumbnail.

Great. Now all the folks bemoaning the already limited cockpit FOV will have one more thing to gripe about...


Ah yes, because if the Trumper Thumpers are known for anything, it is their respect for others.

Solid. Gold.

Pretty sure this one requires no further editing!

It is an abomination.

Fuck. Loot. Chests.

Publishers can try charging $70 all they want, I’ll still be picking up (most) games months after release for $20-$30 on sale.

Exactly why I didn’t purchase this serialized P.O.S.

And on Tax Day (extended) no less!

Cuz he’s a douche???

I think you mean by volume, which is what you are comparing when you use cubic feet.

So water is the only acceptable option in your mind? Folks can’t enjoy a soda/coffee/beer/energy drink while gaming? Get bent!

Hahahaha. Preach!

Hi there. Would you mind explaining the idiom “not my youngest, mon?” I have done some moderate googling and am dissatisfied with my results. Searching without the Caribbean “mon” colloquialism didn’t help either. Through your usage I can obviously gain the gist of it, but some specificity would be appreciated. Thanks!

I was just thinking about Fantastic Mr. Fox five minutes ago! While trying to understand how cricket works, I got to thinking about the scene where the rules of Whackbat are explained. Love the cuss outta that movie.

I was just thinking about Fantastic Mr. Fox five minutes ago! While trying to understand how cricket works, I got to

Thank you much! Posted the same thing. (Though it will remain forever grayed.)

Really? Curious what your definition of “arid” is. I realize this isn’t National Geographic, but come on.